View issue details

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You can choose to display or hide any of the following issue details in your plan:

  • Details pulled from issues in Jira Software
    • assignees, sprints, estimates, status, priority, dependencies
  • Custom fields in Advanced Roadmaps
    • target start, end dates, teams
  • Custom fields configured in Jira Software
    • single-line text fields

You must save any custom fields created in Advanced Roadmaps to Jira Software in order to sort by that field. Learn more about saving changes to Jira Software.

Add, remove, and re-order columns

If you’d like to add more issue details to your plan, use the Fields menu to add the relevant fields. These fields will be displayed as columns, containing issue details pulled from Jira Software.

The fields in this menu correspond to the fields currently visible on your plan. Using this menu, you can remove a field, or drag and drop fields to change the order in which they’re displayed.

To add a column:

  1. Go to Fields > Choose fields… to select what you’d like to display in your plan. You can also start typing to find a specific field.
  2. Select the field you wish to add or press Enter to add it to your plan.

To remove a column, select the x next to the field in the Fields menu.

Resize columns

You can increase or decrease the width of your columns by clicking and dragging the left or right edge of the column. To collapse or expand a single column, click the column header.

Change a value in your plan

The values for the columns in your plan may depend on what's configured in your Jira Software instance. For example, your priority options will depend on the configuration of priority schemes in Jira Software.

While viewing your plan, you can change a value in most columns (excluding status and progress fields) by selecting the cell you want to edit. Then press Enter to save changes to your plan. Note that your changes won’t be applied to issues in Jira Software unless you save them.

Last modified on May 6, 2021

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