How to set the timezone for docker container
This article only applies to Atlassian's docker. Learn more about the Atlassian docker here.
Confluence Docker image is published as both atlassian/confluence
and atlassian/confluence-server
. These are the same image, but the -server
version is deprecated and only kept for backwards-compatibility; for new installations it is recommended to use the shorter name.
The timezone value in Atlassian docker container by default is GMT, however, it is possible to alter this default by passing an additional parameter to the container with -e TZ=<TIMEZONE>.
Here is the docker run command example setting:
docker run \
--name="confluence" -d \
-p 8090:8090 \
-p 8091:8091 \
-v ~/confluence-home/confluence-docker:/var/atlassian/application-data/confluence \
-e TZ=Australia/Sydney \
Normally this command is run as one line.
In Kubernetes, find and add the following setting to the Helm chart configuration YAML file:
# -- Defines any additional environment variables to be passed to the Confluence
# container. See for
# supported variables.
- name: TZ
value: Australia/Sydney
The list of the timezone supported by Confluence is as below: (Copied from Confluence source code file)
GMT, \
Pacific/Apia, \
HST, \
AST, \
America/Los_Angeles, \
America/Phoenix, \
America/Mazatlan, \
America/Denver, \
America/Belize, \
America/Chicago, \
America/Mexico_City, \
America/Regina, \
America/Bogota, \
America/New_York, \
America/Indianapolis, \
America/Halifax, \
America/Caracas, \
America/Santiago, \
America/St_Johns, \
America/Sao_Paulo, \
America/Buenos_Aires, \
America/Godthab, \
Atlantic/South_Georgia, \
Atlantic/Azores, \
Atlantic/Cape_Verde, \
Africa/Casablanca, \
Europe/Dublin, \
Europe/Berlin, \
Europe/Belgrade, \
Europe/Paris, \
Europe/Warsaw, \
ECT, \
Europe/Athens, \
Europe/Minsk, \
Europe/Bucharest, \
Africa/Cairo, \
Africa/Harare, \
Europe/Helsinki, \
Asia/Jerusalem, \
Asia/Baghdad, \
Asia/Kuwait, \
Europe/Moscow, \
Africa/Nairobi, \
Asia/Tehran, \
Asia/Muscat, \
Asia/Baku, \
Asia/Kabul, \
Asia/Yekaterinburg, \
Asia/Karachi, \
Asia/Calcutta, \
Asia/Katmandu, \
Asia/Almaty, \
Asia/Dhaka, \
Asia/Colombo, \
Asia/Rangoon, \
Asia/Bangkok, \
Asia/Krasnoyarsk, \
Asia/Hong_Kong, \
Asia/Irkutsk, \
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, \
Australia/Perth, \
Asia/Taipei, \
Asia/Tokyo, \
Asia/Seoul, \
Asia/Yakutsk, \
Australia/Adelaide, \
Australia/Darwin, \
Australia/Brisbane, \
Australia/Sydney, \
Pacific/Guam, \
Australia/Hobart, \
Asia/Vladivostok, \
Pacific/Noumea, \
Pacific/Auckland, \
Pacific/Fiji, \