Changes to Jira Work Management migration
While migrating data from Jira Server/Data Center (source) to Cloud (destination), it’s required to have the same set of products on source and destination to ensure successful migration of Jira groups with product access permissions.
As a result of the recent announcement combining Jira Work Management with Jira Software to create a tool for all teams called Jira; Jira Work Management can no longer be purchased or installed in the destination cloud site. This can potentially cause a product mismatch between the source and destination.
The product mismatch is typically identified during the pre-migration checks and will block a migration from continuing. If administrators skip this check using a dark feature flag, the migration will fail with the following error:
139: Groups contain permissions for products that do not exist on your cloud site. Enable Jira Work Management in your cloud site and try again.
Group Permission Changes
In order to resolve this product mismatch and enable migrations to continue we will no longer be migrating Jira Work Management (aka Jira Core) product access permissions since Jira Work Management can no longer be purchased or installed.
This change could impact users that belong to groups with Jira Core Product Access Permissions.
If users only belong to these groups and no other Product Access Permissions are assigned or users are not part of any other groups with Product Access Permissions then they may lose product access once they log-in to Cloud.
In order to fix this, go to the Post-migration task in cloud section.
For more details on how this change is implemented see below:
Changes to Jira Cloud Migration Assistant 1.12.5 and lower
The pre-migration check that checks the availability of Jira Work Management in destination cloud site will be successful even if it’s not installed in cloud.
If Jira Work Management is not installed in cloud, the Jira Work Management product access permissions associated with Jira groups will not be migrated. However the Jira Work Management admin permissions will still be migrated
Changes to Jira Cloud Migration Assistant 1.12.6 and higher
The pre-migration check that checks the availability of Jira Work Management in destination cloud site will no longer run and won’t be displayed in the pre-migration checks UI.
If Jira Work Management is not installed in cloud, the Jira Work Management product access permissions associated with Jira groups will not be migrated. The Jira Work Management admin permissions are migrated as is.
How to identify affected groups in source
To identify groups losing Jira Work Management product access permissions, execute the following SQL query:
WHERE license_role_name='jira-core'
To find groups with only Jira Work Management product access and no other product access, execute the following SQL query:
WHERE group_id NOT IN (SELECT group_id WHERE license_role_name <> 'jira-core');
Post-migration task in cloud
Users in groups with Jira Work Management product access permissions will lose those permissions in the cloud. Administrators must manually assign product permissions to these groups after the migration is complete.
How to update product permissions of groups?