Exception occurred while exporting filter with ID <id> for gadget with ID <id>

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Check what to do when your Dashboard is missing filters after migrating to the cloud.


When migrating Jira from on-premise to the cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA), you notice that Dashboards are missing filters in the Jira Cloud, or you've seen the below error in the migration logs:

WARN ... /rest/migration/latestinging/check/id [c.a.j.m.e.c.portalpage.userpref.UserPrefExportHelper] Exception occurred while exporting filter with ID: <FILTER_ID> for gadget with ID: <DASHBOARD_ID>.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Entity with id=<FILTER_ID> for exporter class com.atlassian.jira.migration.export.core.filter.FilterExporter not found

The above error indicates that while exporting the Dashboard, a filter in this gadget couldn't be found.

It also means this piece of the Dashboard was already inconsistent in the on-premise instance.


You could either ignore this warning and edit the Dashboard in the cloud or adjust the Dashboard in the on-premise instance before the migration.

With the below steps, you'll be able to identify the Dashboards affected:

  1. Execute the below query to identify the affected Dashboards:

    Tailored for MySQL - Replace the <DASHBOARD_ID> by the ID found in the log
    SELECT   p.pagename
    		,g.userprefvalue as pref_filter 
    FROM gadgetuserpreference g 
    JOIN portletconfiguration pc ON g.portletconfiguration = pc.id 
    JOIN portalpage p            ON pc.id = p.id 
    WHERE CAST(g.userprefvalue AS VARCHAR(10)) IN (<DASHBOARD_ID>);
  2. Manually edit the dashboard and remove the invalid filter.
  3. Remigrate the project with JCMA.

Last modified on Nov 12, 2024

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