Migration pre-check error: Default group has been removed from your cloud site or you need to review group product access
Guidance for resolving the Default group has been removed from your cloud site or you need to review group product access error during server-to-cloud migration using Jira Cloud Migration Assistant(JCMA).
During the pre-check of Jira server to cloud migration, the license status on the destination will be verified for each Jira product that you intend to migrate. In the backend, the check type JsmLicence/JswLicence/JwmLicence will be executed. If an error occurs during execution, it will result in a Your cloud Token has expired error message being displayed on the UI. Upon reviewing the atlassian-jira.log, you will find the following errors related to the default group.
ERROR [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight execution error occurred for check type JsmLicence
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.atlassian.jira.migration.preflight.ums.exceptions.UmsPreflightCheckException: JsmLicence LicenceCheckResults list for the product has the following error:[UsersMigrationServiceErrorResponse(code=150, message=Default group has been removed from your cloud site or you need to review group product access. Please go to your cloud site administration panel.)]
ERROR [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight execution error occurred for check type JwmLicence
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.atlassian.jira.migration.preflight.ums.exceptions.UmsPreflightCheckException: JwmLicence LicenceCheckResults list for the product has the following error:[UsersMigrationServiceErrorResponse(code=150, message=Default group has been removed from your cloud site or you need to review group product access. Please go to your cloud site administration panel.)]
[ERROR [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight execution error occurred for check type JswLicence
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.atlassian.jira.migration.preflight.ums.exceptions.UmsPreflightCheckException: JswLicence LicenceCheckResults list for the product has the following error:[UsersMigrationServiceErrorResponse(code=150, message=Default group has been removed from your cloud site or you need to review group product access. Please go to your cloud site administration panel.)]
This issue arises from the removal of the default license group from the destination cloud instance.
Fix Default group missing error
Make sure all the default groups exist on the destination cloud site and if not follow the documentation below to create the missing groups