Post-function on Create Issue transition appears to not work

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You have added a post-function to the Create Issue transition of a workflow e.g set issue field or assign to current user and it doesn't seems to be working.


On observation, this post-function is ordered under the "Creates the issue originally" post-function in the list as shown below.

Exception in the logs

https-openssl-nio-443-exec-57 url: /secure/CreateIssueDetails.jspa; user: ERROR 422x3832786x5 t/secure/CreateIssueDetails.jspa [c.g.j.workflow.function.UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction] Unable to update field customfield_15519 - Watchers List in issue [MARCH-3887].java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: User '' not found.    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.util.field.FieldTypeConverter.convertValueToUser(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.util.field.FieldTypeConverter.lambda$convertValueToMultipleUsers$6(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.util.field.FieldTypeConverter.convertAsDelimitedStringToTypedList(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.util.field.FieldTypeConverter.convertValueToMultipleUsers(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.util.field.FieldTypeConverter.convertToRightObject(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.workflow.function.updateissuecustomfield.UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction.performUpdateIssueField(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.workflow.function.updateissuecustomfield.UpdateIssueCustomFieldPostFunction.executeFunction(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.workflow.function.AbstractPreserveChangesPostFunction.executeFunction(    at ch.beecom.jira.jsu.workflow.precondition.AbstractPreconditionAwareFunction.execute(    at com.opensymphony.workflow.AbstractWorkflow.executeFunction(    at com.opensymphony.workflow.AbstractWorkflow.transitionWorkflow(    at com.opensymphony.workflow.AbstractWorkflow.initialize(    at com.atlassian.jira.workflow.OSWorkflowManager.createIssue(    at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.createIssue(    at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.DefaultIssueManager.createIssue(    at com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.RequestCachingIssueManager.createIssue(


Any post-functions placed after the "Creates issue originally" function will not have updates to the issue persisted to the database.

For this to work, it is required that your post-function comes before the "Creates the issue originally" post-function in the order of postfunctions as shown below.



Re-order the post-functions such that the new post-function comes before the "Creates the issue originally" post-function.
( hovering over the post-functions would expose arrow shaped icons that you can use to change the order of the post-functions) 

Older JIRA versions actually automatically created the new post-function under the 'Create the issue originally' post-function, but newer JIRA versions automatically positioned the postfunction correctly.


Modify the custom field value  in PostFunction with a user that exists and is active in JIRA


This behaviour is being reviewed at  JRASERVER-33182 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Last modified on Mar 21, 2024

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