Epics Created Don't Have the Default 'Epic' Issue Type

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When a user intends to create any Epic in the Epics Panel, the default issue type for the Epics is not Epic issue type (for example bug instead of epic).


Per  GHS-6927 - Getting issue details... STATUS , this most likely caused when the user deletes/changes the JIRA's default issue types so GreenHopper won't map it correctly to the exact issue type.  


In order to fix this, you will need to file a support request at https://support.atlassian.com, our support team will change some values in the back-end database to map it correctly to the exact issue type.

Note: That might require 15min - 25min downtime, please advise the support team with the preferred time to do it so they can schedule it.

Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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