Epics not showing under Initiatives on Advanced Roadmaps plan (formerly Portfolio), due to wrong Fix Version

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Epics are not showing up under their Initiatives on Advanced Roadmaps Plan, even if they appearing in the Board filter and don't have the Fix Version field empty.



  • All Jira and Advanced Roadmap versions

Diagnostic Steps

  • Check if the Epics are with the correct hierarchy configuration referring to the Configuring hierarchy levels and have the Parent link set with the correct Initiative

  • Check if the affected Epic has the Fix Version field Empty. If yes, you can check the database with the following queries (using the Epic AAA-1234 as an example):

1. Run this query to get the Epic ID [Replace the "issuenum" and "pkey" for your Epic information]
FROM jiraissue 
WHERE issuenum = 1234 
AND project in (select id from project where pkey = 'AAA');
2. Run this query to check the associated Versions to the Epic ID (which we expect that is empty since, on Jira view, the Fix Version field was empty) [Replace the "issuenum" and "pkey" for your Epic information]
FROM nodeassociation 
WHERE source_node_id in (select id from jiraissue where issuenum = 1234 and project in (select id from project where pkey = 'AAA')) 
AND sink_node_entity like 'Version' 
AND source_node_entity like 'Issue';
3. Run the below query to check if the returned Fix Version ID (sink_node_id) exist on projectversion table [Replace the SINK_NODE_ID_HERE for the respective value from the above query]
FROM projectversion 


If a Fix Version was removed from Jira, directly from the database projectversion table or by using some add-on, it could remain linked to its issues (in this case, linked to the Epics), and if those Fix Versions were not set to the Plan, the Epics will not appear on Advanced Roadmaps, even if they are appearing on their respective Board filter.


To solve this, we will need to check all the Fix Versions that are on the database nodeassociation table and don't exist on projectversion table. We will remove them and try to re-apply the Parent Link in the affected Epics. Please, follow the below steps to perform this action:

Manual manipulation of the database can be dangerous. Please make sure you have a backup of your database before you attempt these changes.

1. Run the below query to get all Fix Versions that are not in Jira:
SELECT sink_node_id 
FROM nodeassociation 
WHERE sink_node_id not in (select id from projectversion) 
AND sink_node_entity = 'Version' 
ORDER BY source_node_id;
2. Run the below query to delete all affected Fix Versions:
DELETE FROM nodeassociation 
WHERE sink_node_id in (select sink_node_id from nodeassociation where sink_node_id not in (select id from projectversion) and sink_node_entity = 'Version') 
AND sink_node_entity like 'Version' 
AND source_node_entity like 'Issue';

3. Start Jira

4. Re-apply the Epic's Parent Link, by updating the field with the correct Initiative

5. Check if the Epics are appearing under the initiatives as expected

Last modified on Nov 9, 2020

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