How Lead time is calculated in Jira Advanced Roadmap

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Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.



How Lead time is calculated in Jira Advanced Roadmap


Jira Cloud


Please note in advanced roadmaps, we can view all of an issue’s dependencies on your timeline.

With the timeline section of your plan visible, select the dependency icon on either side of the schedule bar to show all of the dependencies attached to that issue. When Advanced Roadmaps is set to show Badges, these icons are always visible on your timeline. If you have Advanced Roadmaps set to show dependencies as Lines, they only show when you hover over the schedule bar.

  • Lead time - The number of days between the dependent issues

In Advanced Roadmaps, all dependencies links are treated as if they are blocks/is blocked by links.
So the issue with the outward link (blocks or the equivalent in other links) must be complete first then the inward link (is blocked by or the equivalent in other links) must start after the first issue is complete.

The lead time is the time between when the first issue end time and the second issue start time.
For example, let’s say we have two issues:

  • Test-1 Start Date: Oct 1st End Date: Oct 10th And blocks Test-2
  • Test-2 Start Date: Oct 12th and End Date: Oct 30th And is blocked by Test-1 

The lead time in this case would be +2days which is the amount of days since issue 1 ended and issue 2 started. 

Last modified on Nov 3, 2023

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