Functional differences in Jira Cloud products
From March 31, 2021, we're transitioning all users on the old issue view in Jira Cloud products (Jira Software, Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management) to the new issue view — which means no one will be able to switch back to the old view anymore. For a limited time, you'll still be able to temporarily click through to the old view before we remove it from Jira Cloud altogether. After that, the new issue view will be the only experience available in Jira Cloud.
List of features in Jira Server that are distinctly different or not applicable in Jira Cloud products.
Configure an outgoing (SMTP) mail server
Atlassian Cloud comes with an internal SMTP server configured to send notifications. The internal SMTP server is not configurable, but you can configure Jira Cloud to send emails on behalf of your domain. For more information on how to use a custom 'Project Email Address' with your domain, refer to Configuring Jira Cloud to send emails on behalf of your domain.
Configure listeners
Not supported. Due to security and performance reasons, this feature is currently unavailable.
Configure logging and profiling information
We have an auditing feature available in Jira Software Labs. To turn it on, go to http://<your_site_name>/auditing/settings.
Configure OAuth authentication
- 3-legged OAuth is automatically configured for application links.
- 2-legged OAuth without impersonation is supported and required for the Development Panel. Use this type to connect to Bitbucket Server and Bamboo Server.
- 2-legged OAuth with impersonation is not supported.
Customize email templates
Custom email templates are not supported in Jira Work Management and Jira Software. Jira Service Desk supports customizable email notifications for requests with HTML, CSS, and plaintext templates and custom variables. Learn more about configuring custom notifications in the Jira Service Desk.
Disable attachments, or set the attachment path
Attachments are enabled by default.
External user management
You can't link Cloud applications to another Cloud or Server site for user management. Instead, integrate your existing G Suite user directory with your Atlassian Cloud site, which makes domain and user management more flexible and manageable. For more information, refer to G Suite integration.
Atlassian Access allows for single sign-on (SSO) and can help you manage authentication and security policies across your Atlassian Cloud users. For more details on Atlassian Access, refer to our Atlassian Access for Cloud FAQs.
HTML and JavaScript in issue fields
This feature creates an XSS vulnerability that could allow malicious users to gain system administrator permissions and use the Cloud infrastructure for nefarious purposes. Instead, use wiki markup.
Import data
Check out Import and export data to learn about supported imports for Jira Cloud. To migrate to Jira Cloud, you can use an evaluation copy of Jira hosted on your own server to import from non-Atlassian products or individual projects.
Import XML workflows into Jira
You can only import workflows from Marketplace. For more information, refer to Importing and exporting issue workflows.
Incoming mail servers - configuring file system messages
You can configure POP/IMAP mail servers but not file system messages. To create issues in Jira and Jira Service Desk via email using POP/IMAP servers, make sure they are configured to the standard ports: IMAP: 143; IMAPS: 993; POP3: 110; POP3S: 995.
Install custom apps
Some apps are only supported in self-hosted instances of Jira products and Confluence; however, Atlassian Cloud contains a number of popular apps (and the list just keeps on growing). Refer to the Marketplace apps for the list of supported apps.
Install intermediate SSL certificates
It is not possible to install intermediate certificates in Jira Cloud applications. Intermediate certificates could cause problems when you add secure POP/IMAP mail servers that have certificates signed by non-root CAs.
The workaround is to obtain a certificate signed by a trusted root Certification Authority (CA). For a full list of these certificates, see this list.
Issue view
Jira Server displays issues in the old issue view; Jira Cloud displays them in the new issue view. A key difference between the two is that while the old view has a one-size-fits-all layout, admins can customize the new issue view for each team's individual needs. And it's built on infrastructure that enables us to develop and support more features easily. For example, smart searching, integrations with other Atlassian products, and SLA support are only supported in the new issue view. Learn more about the new issue view
LDAP for user management
Your voices have been heard! This feature is in development. See ' ID-79 - Support LDAP integration with Cloud' for the status of this feature request.
Run Jelly scripts
Not supported. Jelly scripting allows a user to execute arbitrary code posing a significant security risk.
System Administrator permissions
The closest equivalent to a system administrator is an Atlassian Cloud site admin, who has all the rights of a system admin plus extra user management and site admin rights, such as managing billing details.
For more information on Atlassian Cloud site administration, refer to Managed accounts. For more information on administration and how to manage roles or groups in Atlassian Cloud, refer to Create and update groups.
Text Gadget
Not supported. This gadget creates an XSS vulnerability as it can contain arbitrary HTML. Due to security concerns, this feature is currently unavailable.