Managing shared dashboards

A dashboard is a customizable page that can display many different types of information, depending on your areas of interest. Jira users can create and manage their own dashboards.

A shared dashboard is a dashboard whose creator has shared that dashboard with other users. You can share a dashboard with: 

  • Group—A group of Jira users.
  • ProjectAll members or members with specific project roles working on one or multiple projects.
  • Any logged-in user—Any user who is logged-in to your Jira Cloud site. 
  • PublicPublic sharing means sharing the dashboard with users who are not logged in to your Jira Cloud site. Note that if you share a dashboard publicly, it will be visible and searchable on the internet. See Prevent or remove public access for more information.

When a shared dashboard is created by a user, that user:

  • Initially owns the shared dashboard.
  • Being the owner, can edit and modify the shared dashboard. See Configuring dashboards for more information. 

You can change the ownership of any user's shared dashboard that will allow the new owner to edit and modify the shared dashboard. 

Before you begin: you must be logged in as a user with the Administer Jira global permission.

Search for a shared dashboard

To search for a shared dashboard:

  1. Choose > System
  2. Select Shared Dashboards to open the Search Shared Dashboards page.
  3. Enter your search criteria into the search field and click the Search button.

A list of shared dashboards matching your search criteria is shown below. Each shared dashboard indicates its:

  • Current owner — this is originally the user who created the shared dashboard

  • List of shares applied to the shared dashboard by its owner

  • Popularity — the number of users who have selected that shared dashboard as a 'favorite'.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

Jira looks for exact matches to the search terms you enter in the search field. You can use different operators to help you find wildcard or fuzzy matches to your search queries. For example:

  • Use the fuzzy search operator to help find dashboards that might contain mispellings:

  • Use the wildcard search operator to help find dashboards that begin with a phrase:


Read more about search syntax in text fields.

Change the ownership of a shared dashboard

Before changing the ownership of a shared dashboard, ensure that you inform the shared dashboard's current owner of your intentions.

  1. Search for the dashboard that you want to change owners (see above).
  2. Click the 'cog' icon to the right of the shared dashboard whose ownership you wish to change and select Change Owner.
  3. In the 'Change Owner' dialog box, enter the username (or name) of the user who will become the new owner of the shared dashboard.
  4. Select the appropriate user from the drop-down list and click the Change Owner button.

A shared dashboard can only be edited by the shared dashboard's owner. The owner of a shared dashboard can only modify that dashboard's shares and gadgets too.

You cannot change the ownership of a shared dashboard to a user who:

    • already has a shared dashboard with exactly the same name, or
    • does not have permission to view the shared dashboard.

Delete a shared dashboard

Before deleting a shared dashboard, ensure that you inform the shared dashboard's current owner of your intentions.

  1. Search for the dashboard that you want to change owners (see above).
  2. Click the 'cog' icon to the right of the shared dashboard you wish to delete and select 'Delete Dashboard'. The 'Delete Dashboard' confirmation message box is shown.
    • The number of users who have marked the shared dashboard as a favorite is specified in this message box.
  3. If you are happy to proceed, click the 'Delete' button to complete the action.
Last modified on Nov 17, 2021

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