UTF-8 Characters Show in SourceTree as Escaped Character Codes

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UTF-8 characters show up in SourceTree as filenames with unusual escaped character codes.

For example, the file:

$ touch どうもありがとうミスターロボット.txt


It is showing it as octal-escaped UTF-8 form:

$ git version
git version
$ git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   "\343\201\250\343\202\231\343\201\206\343\202\202\343\201\202\343\202\212\343\201\213\343\202\231\343\201\250\343\201\206\343\203\237\343\202\271\343\202\277\343\203\274\343\203\255\343\203\233\343\202\231\343\203\203\343\203\210.txt"
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)




By default, Git cannot handle filenames with UTF-8 characters in them.


The solution is to configure your Git slightly differently:

git config --global core.quotepath false

(info) More information is can be found on this Stackoverflow post:

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Unknown macro: {kbsurvey}

Last modified on Feb 26, 2016

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