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[Crucible Knowledge Base]
Documentation for Crucible 3.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available too.
Summarize is an optional step before closing a review.
To enable or disable the Summarize step, you will have to configure the permission in your Permission Scheme. Crucible ships with two permission schemes:
You can choose to either summarize a review or close a review at any time, given that your Permission Scheme allows it. You can skip the summarize step by directly clicking the Close button.
Note that you need the 'Summarize', 'Close' or 'Re-Open' permission to summarize, close or re-open a review.
Normally, we recommend that you wait for all reviewers to complete their reviews, before summarizing or closing the review.
The reviews that the reviewers have completed will be in your Ready to Close menu on the Dashboard.
To summarize a review,
Screenshot: 'Summarize' button. We can see that Geoff Crain has still not finished reviewing, because there is no green tick next to his name.
Once the review is in the 'Summarize' state, the moderator can optionally add a review summary, for example, to describe the outcomes/tasks/etc:
Screenshot: Review Closed
The summary is sent to all participants and is displayed at the top of the closed review.
Re-opening a review is not the recommended way to 're-review'. You should create a new review with the reworked changes and link it to its parent review (create a hyperlink back to the original review in the new Review's Objectives field).