Bamboo 3.0 Upgrade Guide

The instructions on this page describe how to upgrade to Bamboo 3.0 from a previous version of Bamboo. For details on the Bamboo 3.0 release, see the Bamboo 3.0 Release Notes.

Please following the Bamboo 3.0-specific instructions on this page, in addition to the upgrade instructions in the Bamboo upgrade guide.

Please read the Supported platforms page for the full list of supported platforms for Bamboo.

Upgrade Notes

End of Support for Internet Explorer 7

We are ending support for Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) in this release. Please see End of support announcements for Bamboo for further details.

Advance Notice of End of Support for Java Platform 5

We are planning on ending support for Java Platform 5 (JDK/JRE 1.5) in Bamboo 3.1. Please see End of support announcements for Bamboo for further details.

All Bamboo versions using MS SQL 2005 and 2008 demand Read Committed with Row Versioning isolation level.

  • Before starting the upgrade process ensure that your current Bamboo MS SQL database is set to use Read Committed with Row Versioning as its isolation level. If you are planing to restore a Bamboo Backup Zip, ensure that the new database will have this isolation level as well. For instructions on how to set this isolation level, please see Connect Bamboo to a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Specifying Artifact Location

In Bamboo 2.7 and earlier, artifacts are stored under xml-data/builds under your ${bambooHome} (unless specified otherwise). An upgrade task for Bamboo 3.0 will move your artifacts out of ${} into a separate artifacts directory under ${bambooHome}. If your artifacts are currently not located under your ${bambooHome}, i.e. you manually changed the location of your ${}, you will need to do one of the following:

  • make sure that there is enough room under ${bambooHome} to accommodate the artifacts in the new artifacts directory, or
  • set the property (in bamboo.cfg.xml) to the preferred location for your artifacts. You must update this property before the upgrade. The upgrade task will use the location specified by this property, rather than moving artifacts to the new artifacts directory under ${bambooHome}.

(info) If your ${ currently points to a different physical disk to your ${bambooHome}, the upgrade process will copy (rather than move) data between locations, unless you set the property.

The new Default Path for Artifacts

  • Bamboo 2.6 and earlier versions:

  • Bamboo 2.7:

  • Bamboo 3.0:


    In Bamboo 3.0, this is a folder shared by all the stages of a certain plan. Stages will place Artifacts here so that other stages from the same plan can have access to them. The BUILD_NUMBER will always be composed with a minimum of 5 digits, having the number completed with zeros. For instance, for build "42" the number will be "00042".

Upgrade Exceptions

  • If you experience the following exception during the Bamboo 3.0 upgrade, it means that the upgrade task has failed to fully migrate a directory, as part of the internal artifact storage migration. You will need to manually move the directory and restart the upgrade.

    Unable to move DIRECTORY_NAME_A -> DIRECTORY_NAME_B, destination directory already exists. This might indicate interrupted upgrade process. To continue upgrade, move directory manually.

Crowd Integration Authenticator

Bamboo 3.0 is using the new 2.4 version of the Seraph authenticator. Please, go through the Integrating Crowd with Atlassian Bamboo steps to ensure that the new necessary configurations will be applied.

Upgrading from Bamboo 2.7 to 3.0

Before you begin, do the following:

1. Back up your existing installation of Bamboo

We strongly recommend that you do the following to back up your Bamboo installation:

  • Back up your xml-data directory — See the Bamboo upgrade guide for instructions.
  • Export your Bamboo data for backup — See the Exporting data for backup for instructions. Please note, that this may take a long time to complete depending on the number of builds and tests in your system.

2. Ensure that your plugins work

If you are using plugins, ensure that your plugins are compiled against 3.0 before upgrading.

Before you upgrade, please read the following important points that relate to Bamboo 2.7.

Upgrading from Bamboo prior to 2.7

In addition to the notes below, please read the Upgrade Guide for every version you are skipping during the upgrade. 

Notes for upgrading from Bamboo 2.6.x

  • You will need to upgrade to Bamboo 2.7.4 before upgrading to Bamboo 3.0. If you are not running Bamboo 2.6.3, we recommend that you upgrade to it before upgrading to Bamboo 2.7.4. Bamboo 2.6.3 can be downloaded from the Bamboo Archived Downloads page. Bamboo 2.7.x introduces a number of significant and irreversible changes, so a phased upgrade is recommended. Please see the Bamboo 2.7.x Upgrade Guide for more details.
  • You will need to set aside time, as described in the Bamboo 2.7.x Upgrade Guide, for Bamboo to migrate existing Plans to the new Plan structure in Bamboo 2.7.4.

Notes for upgrading from Bamboo 2.5 or earlier

  • If you are upgrading from Bamboo 2.5 or earlier, you will need to set aside time, as described in the Bamboo 2.6 Upgrade Guide for Bamboo to migrate its test result data (stored in XML files on the filesystem) into the database.

Notes for upgrading from a version of Bamboo prior to 2.0

  • If you are upgrading from a version of Bamboo prior to 2.0, you must upgrade to Bamboo 2.0.6 first before upgrading to Bamboo 2.6. Please read the Bamboo 2.0 Upgrade Guide for important upgrade instructions for upgrading from earlier versions of Bamboo.

Developing for Bamboo 3.0

If you are a Bamboo plugin developer, please refer to our Changes for Bamboo 3.0 guide, which outlines changes in Bamboo 3.0 that may affect Bamboo plugins compiled for Bamboo version 2.7.x or earlier. In particular, please note that the /build REST endpoint has been replaced with /result. Expand parameters have also been changed from to results.result.

Checking for Known Issues and Troubleshooting the Bamboo Upgrade

If something is not working correctly after you have completed the steps above to upgrade your Bamboo installation, please check for known Bamboo issues and try troubleshooting your upgrade as described below:

  • Check for known issues. Sometimes we find out about a problem with the latest version of Bamboo after we have released the software. In such cases we publish information about the known issues in the Bamboo Knowledge Base. Please check the Bamboo 3.0 Known Issues in the Bamboo Knowledge Base and follow the instructions to apply any necessary patches if necessary.
  • Did you encounter a problem during the Bamboo upgrade? Please refer to the guide to troubleshooting upgrades in the Bamboo Knowledge Base.
  • If you encounter a problem during the upgrade and cannot solve it, please create a support ticket and one of our support engineers will help you.
Last modified on Jun 23, 2014

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