Stock images
This page describes the latest available stock elastic images. The previously released elastic images are still available.
For more information about how to get a list of stock images available for your Bamboo version, see Viewing the list of Bamboo stock images.
Atlassian maintains public 'default' elastic images, which are currently available as follows:
Operating system | AWS availability |
Ubuntu | All regions |
Windows 2012 | All regions |
Amazon Linux | US East region |
All stock images in Bamboo use Java 8 for the system Java.
Bamboo's Elastic Bamboo feature uses these images by default. In your list of elastic image configurations, an image will have '(stock image)' appended to its name.
Amazon Linux/Ubuntu stock image
The stock images available for Bamboo contain one of the following operating systems:
- Amazon Linux
- Ubuntu
as well as the Bamboo elastic agent.
The images have the following default packages and capabilities:
Default packages/capabilities | Path/value |
Builders | |
Ant 1.9 | /opt/ant-1.9 |
Ant 1.10 | /opt/ant-1.10 |
Grails 2.4 | /opt/grails-2.4 |
Grails 3.2 | /opt/grails-3.2 |
Grails 3.3 | /opt/grails-3.3 |
Maven 2.0 | /opt/maven-2.0 |
Maven 2.1 | /opt/maven-2.1 |
Maven 2.2 | /opt/maven-2.2 |
Maven 3.2 | /opt/maven-3.2 |
Maven 3.3 | /opt/maven-3.3 |
Maven 3.5 | /opt/maven-3.5 |
Maven 3.6 | /opt/maven-3.6 |
JDKs | |
JDK 7 | /opt/jdk-7 |
JDK 8 | /opt/jdk-8 |
JDK 11 | /opt/jdk-11 |
Other | |
Bash (Command) |
Docker The latest version supplied with your Linux distribution, | /usr/bin/docker |
Git | /usr/bin/git |
Mercurial |
Node 8 | /opt/node-8/bin/node |
Node 10 | /opt/node-10/bin/node |
Node 12 | /opt/node-12/bin/node |
Windows stock image
The Windows stock image is built from:
- the Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64-bit operating system, with all updates applied.
- the Bamboo elastic agent.
Note that:
- the elastic agents run on Java JDK 8.
- the image uses Git for Windows and its SSH.
The Windows stock image has the following default packages and capabilities:
Default packages/capabilities | Path/value |
Builders | |
Ant 1.9 |
Ant 1.10 | C:\opt\ant-1.10 |
Grails 2.4 |
Grails 3.2 |
Grails 3.3 | C:\opt\grails-3.3 |
Maven 2.0 |
Maven 2.1 |
Maven 2.2 |
Maven 3.2 |
Maven 3.3 | C:\opt\maven-3.3 |
Maven 3.5 | C:\opt\maven-3.5 |
Maven 3.6 | C:\opt\maven-3.6 |
MSBuild 4.0 (32bit) | C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe |
MSBuild 4.0 (64bit) | C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe |
NAnt 0.92 |
JDKs | |
JDK 7 |
JDK 8 |
JDK 11 | C:\opt\jdk-11 |
Other | |
Git | C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe |
Mercurial 3.2 |
Node.js 8 | C:\opt\node-8\node.exe |
Node.js 10 | C:\opt\node-10\node.exe |
Node.js 12 | C:\opt\node-12\node.exe |
Be aware that the default packages and capabilities listed above may change with each major release of Bamboo. There is a new default image (with its own AMI ID) for each new version of Bamboo. However, older default images will still be available for use.