Viewing a Bamboo agent's details

A Bamboo agent is a service that can run job builds. There are the following types of Bamboo agents:

Local agents run in the Bamboo server's process, i.e. in the same JVM as the server. Each remote agent runs in its own process, i.e. has its own JVM.

Each agent has a defined set of capabilities and can only run builds for jobs whose requirements match the agent's capabilities. 


Viewing an agent's details

To view an agent's details:

  1. Go to cogwheel icon > Build resources > Agents.
  2. Select the name of the desired agent. The agent's page will be displayed.
  3. Select one of the following tabs to see corresponding details for the agent:

Displays a list of all agent-specific and shared capabilities. The capabilities in each of those sections are grouped into the following subsections:

Executable jobs
Displays a list of jobs, arranged by plan, that the agent can build.

System properties
Displays information about the agent.

Audit logs
Displays a record of changes that have been made to the agent.

Viewing the agents that can build jobs

To view which agents can build which jobs:

  1. Go to cogwheel icon > Build resources > Agent matrix.

Editing an agent's name or description

To edit an agent's name or description:

  1. Navigate to the desired agent, as described above.
  2. Select Edit details.
  3. Update the details for the agent.
  4. Select Save.
Last modified on Jul 27, 2021

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