Moving Bamboo-Home of an agent
Usage FAQ
- Can multiple plans share a common 3rd-party directory
- Changing Bamboo database settings
- Deploying Multiple Atlassian Applications in a Single Tomcat Container
- How Bamboo processes task arguments and passes them to OS shell
- Securing your repository connection
- Changing the remote agent heartbeat interval
- Cloning a Bamboo instance
- How do I connect Bamboo to an unsupported database type
- How do I shut down my elastic instances if I have restarted my Bamboo server
- How do I stop the Bamboo server from automatically configuring my remote agent's capabilities
- JUnit parsing in Bamboo
- Known issues with CVS in Bamboo
- Monitor Memory usage and Garbage Collection in Bamboo
- Moving Bamboo-Home of an agent
- Performing a thread dump
- Send Errors to stderr - Script Builder in Visual Studio WinXP to build Solutions Files
- Using Bamboo with Clover
- Working with Java libraries
- Bamboo indicates that my Ant or Maven builds failed, even though they were successful
- Restoring passwords to recover admin users
On this page
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To move an agent's Bamboo-Home -
- Move the Bamboo-Home of the agent, to the intended location.
Edit the <Bamboo-Agent-Home>/bamboo-agent.cfg.xml file, find the following line -
- Point the working directory to the new Bamboo-Home.
- Start your Agent with -Dbamboo.home=your_new_agent_home and point to your new Bamboo-Agent-Home.
Last modified on Nov 23, 2018
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- Creating issues and sub-tasks
- How to automatically transition parent linked issue when all child linked issues in the same status using Automation
- Create issues and sub-tasks
- Automation Rule Not Updating Cascade Field Correctly
- Creating issues using the CSV importer
- Cannot delete an issue type and unable to find issues associated to a deleted issue type
- Moving an issue
- Configuring sub-tasks
- Adding, editing, and deleting an issue type
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