TestNG parser problem


After enabling TestNG report parser Bamboo reports an error after build completes. The following appears in the log:

[JDBCExceptionReporter] Batch entry 14 insert into TEST_CASE (TEST_CLASS_ID, TEST_CASE_NAME, SUCCESSFUL_RUNS, FAILED_RUNS, AVG_DURATION, FIRST_BUILD_NUM, LAST_BUILD_NUM, QUARANTINING_USERNAME, QUARANTINE_DATE, TEST_CASE_ID) values (599752707, testSubsequentChangeDetections(f22d51f401b7d6ff22f6b1c611b95ebe757e47bf, 4, 303d0e7fcf7bea81729d050d9716963eb5a25815, [Repository has changed but Bamboo is unable to extract changes between revision f22d51f401b7d6ff22f6b1c611b95ebe757e47bf and 303d0e7fcf7bea81729d050d9716963eb5a25815.]), 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, 599785877) was aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause.


One of the upgrade tasks dating from 2010 was not executed properly.



ALTER TABLE test_case
   ALTER COLUMN test_case_name TYPE character varying(4000);

ALTER TABLE test_class
   ALTER COLUMN test_class_name TYPE character varying(4000);
Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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