Troubleshooting Repositories
- 403 Forbidden error when creating a Gitlab repository in Bamboo
- Bamboo can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server and shows "New access key is required but could not be added"
- Bamboo fails the connection to a Git Repository even when configured to use an outbound HTTP Proxy server
- Bamboo fails to add a new repository with an "endless spinning wheel" animation
- Bamboo fails to add Bitbucket Server repository: "Can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server despite successful public key storage"
- Bamboo fails to connect to Bitbucket Data Center repositories with "ssh: not found"
- Bamboo is leaving a comment on Bitbucket-Cloud repository: 'a specs-scan was successful' on commits
- Bamboo reports HTTP 400 Bad Request with "mirrors.not.supported", "repository.stash.error.mirror.versionNotSupported" responses when interacting with Bitbucket Server
- Bamboo Source code checkout task fails with "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'script'"
- Bitbucket Server Repository Creation on Bamboo Data Center/ Bamboo Server fails with error "ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port XXXXX: error in libcrypto fatal"
- Cannot create linked repository in Bamboo with error: Failed to get the session
- Empty repository caches page in Bamboo
- Git credential-store error when saving a Bitbucket Cloud repository
- Git operations failing due to corrupted git cache on Windows
- How to determine if there are multiple Git repository configurations in Bamboo Data Center that point to the same remote repository using different URLs
- How to determine the size of a Git repository
- How to get the credential details(user_name and app_password) to connect Bamboo to Bitbucket cloud
- How to obtain a list of linked repositories in Bamboo that are not connected to any plans or deployment projects from the database
- How to obtain the total count of linked repositories present in Bamboo Data Center.
- How to send Bamboo build status to GitHub via Webhook
- How to use commit and push task to Github Repositories under Bamboo Deployment Projects.
- Linking Bitbucket Cloud repositories with Bamboo
- Mercurial repositories no longer work on Bamboo 8 or newer: Cannot use this repository. Plugin is missing or disabled.
- Repositories missing from the Linked repositories page inside Bamboo
- Repository checkout fails with "Bad server host key: Invalid key length"
- Repository Commit task fails with Error building trees
- Resaving a repository in Bamboo throws an error 'query did not return unique result'
- SSH keys for Bamboo plans
- Subversion repository path does not exist error message in the Bamboo logs
- Unable to add new Bitbucket linked repositories in Bamboo with error "com.atlassian.bamboo.executor.CancelException: /usr/bin/git could not be started"
- Unable to connect to a repository with an "Unknown option: -c" error
- Unable to get a valid response from Github while adding an Linked repository
- When to expect Bamboo to move to polling from event driven build detection
- Where SSH keys are stored in Bitbucket Server when a new repository is linked to Bamboo
Last modified on Jun 27, 2022
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