User Session Times-out After One Hour
A user logged in to Bamboo keeps the web console open in the browser and without use for approximately one hour. After this time frame, if the user try to use any of the console options, the page is refreshed and the Login page is displayed on the top of the page that the user was trying to use.
The Bamboo instance is installed in a Tomcat application server.
This behavior is caused by a bug. The problem is being tracked at BAM-10437 - Getting issue details... STATUS .
Until our team can fix the problem, the workaround is to disable Persistent Sessions in the Tomcat server. You can do this by taking following steps:
- Open file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml
You will find the Manager tag commented:
<!-- Uncomment this to disable session persistence across Tomcat restarts --> <!-- <Manager pathname="" /> -->
Uncomment the <Manager> tag and make sure that the pathname attribute will be set with an empty value:
<!-- Uncomment this to disable session persistence across Tomcat restarts --> <Manager pathname="" />
- Restart Tomcat.