Troubleshooting Installation
- Running BambooConsole.bat fails on Windows x64 with atlassian-bamboo.log Access is denied
- Installing Bamboo 3.0 fails on Window x64 with "The system cannot find the path specified"
- Adding MIME types to Bamboo Standalone
- Bamboo fails to startup, due to multiple deployments
- Can't create or edit plan due to temporary directory being deleted
- The start-bamboo wrapper does not work on Solaris SunOS
- Moving Bamboo between machines
- Cannot install Bamboo due to wrong JDK
- Cannot initialize context because there is already a root application context present
- Analyse File System Problems on Windows - MS Process Monitor
- Cannot start Bamboo due to invalid web.xml file
- Bamboo Crashes Due to Insufficient Disk Space and Truncated bamboo.cfg.xml File
- How to stop Bamboo from shutting itself down and restarting
- Bamboo Indexer Fails with "Too Many Open Files" Error
- User Session Times-out After One Hour
- Universal Plugin Manager is Malfunctioning due to "Entry type not found for upm.auditLog.upgrade.plugin.failure"
- Bamboo fails to start: Unable to enable plugin
- Bamboo hangs during the installation on Linux and uses all CPU - Disable SELinux
- Bamboo fails to start on FreeBSD
- Configuring Bamboo to start automatically on startup on Mac OS X
- Bamboo fails to start: Unable to clean the Felix cache directory (Task 51404)
- Bamboo fails to start with an error 'Content is not allowed in prolog'
- Bamboo fails to start - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
- Cannot install Bamboo - no JDK installed
- Bamboo server or remote agent fails to startup due to misconfigured hosts file
- Windows service fails to start: The process terminated unexpectedly
- Bamboo installation fails or gets stuck at the 'Choose a Database Configuration' screen
- 503 error in the UI when attempting to set up SSL
- Running Bamboo as a Windows Service - Troubleshooting Guide
- Error when starting the service
- MySQL is not choosable in setup wizard
- Error when running Bamboo as a Windows Service
- Unable to create plan due to some library is unable to be loaded
- Incompatible JDK causing stack dump on Windows
- Could not login admin user after admin account creation at setup
- Bamboo not starting due to ehcache error
- Unable to run pre-bootstrap upgrade tasks as your support period has ended
- Bamboo fails to start due to
- Could not find any valid decoders for license string
- Bamboo fails to start with "Error creating bean with name 'hostComponentProvider' if Artifactory Plugin is installed
- Bamboo fails to start ands throws No Server Key Configured exception
- Unable to compile Soy template in plugin module
- Build plan fails with NullPointerException
- Bamboo fails to start - Address already in use
- Bamboo does not start due to empty administration.xml file
- How to pass the PATH variable to Bamboo when running it as a systemd service in RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
- Bamboo fails to start after upgrade on Windows - Failed to scan file:/C:/Program%20Files/Bamboo/lib/jcifs.jar from classloader hierarchy
- Bamboo does not start after License key updated in bamboo.cfg.xml
- Bamboo fails to import with EOF exception
- New Bamboo installation fails at admin creation screen with: Failed to retrieve or create group: bamboo-admin
- Bamboo fails to start with NullPointerException at com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.ClassAliasingMapper.addClassAlias
- Bamboo service does not start after restarting the system
- Installing Bamboo with MS SQL Server fails with a "No WebApplicationContext found" exception
- How to: Install Bamboo add-ons without using the UI
- How to configure temporary directory in Bamboo server
- "An unexpected error has occurred" pop-up while accessing certain Bamboo pages
- Bamboo does not start due to java.util.EmptyStackException
- Bamboo does not launch: Application context refresh failed
- Bamboo HikariCP properties
- PowerShell is not recognized as an internal or external command
- New installation of Bamboo on Oracle database fails with could not read a hi value
- Local agents go offline during database backup
- Disabled the health task related to checking the database (Task 51111 failed)
- Fixing Bamboo files and folder permission for Linux installations
- Initial Azure MySQL database connection attempt fails with error null java.lang.IllegalStateException
- Bamboo search bar is not working properly
- Bamboo fails to startup with the error - "One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file"
- Errors in the database setup screen during the Bamboo Wizard's setup
- Bamboo does not start with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PanwHooks exception
- Bamboo antivirus exclusions
- Bamboo Windows Service doesn't start and throws error code 1
- Bamboo Windows service doesn't start due to a logon failure
- Bamboo installation is stuck during startup when NFS mount has issues
- Bamboo fails to start up due to misconfigured JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS
- "This Bamboo site is for non-production use only" message in the Bamboo User Interface
- Bamboo installation fails with "Unable to create a tracker when osgi is not running" errors
- Bamboo installation fails with error "Unable to create a tracker when osgi is not running" after disabling the Crowd authentication
- Bamboo upgrade to 7.2 or higher will keep the c3p0 configuration for historical reference
- Bamboo fails to start and Tomcat logs show "Alias name does not identify a key entry"
- Bamboo deployment on K8s reinitialized after any helm upgrade operation
- Bamboo startup fails with error "Couldn't save bamboo-shared.cfg.xml to directory"
- Bamboo fails to start with an "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina" error
- jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound
- Bamboo error message pop-ups in UI "An Unexpected error has occurred" while accessing plan pages
- Bamboo fails to start: The system cannot open the file
- How to add additional capabilities in Bamboo DC, and remote agent deployed in Kubernetes platform using Helm chart
- Bamboo fails to start due to "fatal bootstrap Bamboo bootstrap failed: failed to find config at: bamboo.cfg.xml"
- Bamboo installation using Helm chart fails to create a Kubernetes pod
- Bamboo Data Center fails to start with 'Error creating bean with name 'grpcServer' message
- Bamboo Data center is not not able to start with exception : Cannot find class
- Bamboo Data Center Installation is failing with exception : ERROR Unable to create file
- Bamboo Data Center is not coming up online after upgrading to version 10 due to Java class version mismatch
Last modified on Jul 21, 2021
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