Error when running Bamboo as a Windows Service

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Running Bamboo with "BambooConsole.bat" and "start-bamboo.bat" works fine, but running the service fails, and re-installing it doesn't make any difference in most cases. Following error shows up in the logs: 

The service name is invalid.
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  1. Incompatible Java version
  2. JAVA_HOME variable is not set up correctly


  1. Follow the "Troubleshooting & Resolution" steps in this document: Running Bamboo as a Windows Service-Troubleshooting Guide
  2. Referring to Bamboo Supported platforms page, make sure a compatible Java version is installed for your version of Bamboo and JAVA_HOME is configured correctly to point to the root of the JDK directory. 
  • Note: Re-start Bamboo after any changes to the Java version or JAVA_HOME settings.
Last modified on Nov 2, 2018

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