Workspace has disappeared/incorrect workspace loaded
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
The purpose of this KB article is to explain what might cause an old workspace that you have accessed previously to seemingly disappear with another workspace loading in its place.
- You log in to your Bitbucket Cloud account using your email address as normal
- Your old workspace that you have previously used no longer displays, and seems to be replaced by either another workspace that you have access to or an empty workspace
The most common cause behind this issue is simply that the workspace is not located in the place that you are expecting, due either to the way in which workspaces are displayed in the UI or because of the way that accounts are accessed. The steps detailed below will look at the most common scenarios and provide steps for resolving these.
It is recommended that you troubleshoot both of the following scenarios and their respective solutions to determine which is the root cause and regain access to your workspace.
Scenario #1 - The workspace is not loading by default
There has been a change in the way that workspaces are displayed in the UI - previously, logging in would show an overview of all workspaces that you have access to but now it will only show a single default workspace to align with our other Atlassian products.
To verify that this is the problem and regain access:
- Click your avatar in the top-right corner of the screen
- Select All Workspaces from the resulting drop-down menu
- Verify if you are able to see the old workspace, if you can see it then click on it to access it
- If the workspace that is loaded by default is no longer needed, you can leave the workspace to prevent it from loading by default when you log in to your account
Scenario #2 - The workspace is empty
When you log in using an email alias as opposed to a primary email address for your account, Bitbucket will redirect you to a signup page and prompt you to create a new account that does not have access to your existing workspace. The workspace is empty and does not contain any repositories.
To verify that this is the problem and regain access:
- Please refer to our existing documentation article concerning this particular issue for further explanation as well as the steps that you can take to resolve it
If the scenarios detailed in the knowledge article do not reflect your individual situation, or if you are still encountering issues accessing the workspace after following the steps - please feel free to raise a support ticket or raise a community support ticket for further assistance.