Compare branches, tags, and commits
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On this page
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You can quickly find revision changes using the Compare page.
Comparing revisions
To compare revisions in Bitbucket Data Center and Server:
- From the sidebar, click
- In the Compare page, from both the Source and Destination dropdown, select any combination of branches, tags, or commits.
- Once selections are made, the comparison results display in a diff and a commits list tab.
Bitbucket uses git diff ...
A three-dot diff is a comparison between the commit where the feature branch was last synched with the destination branch and the most recent version of the feature branch.
A two-dot diff is the direct comparison of two committish references such as SHAs.
Last modified on Sep 30, 2021
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- Start Confluence Automatically on Windows as a Service
- Installing Confluence on Windows from Zip File
- Installing Confluence on Windows from Zip File
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- Creating a Dedicated User Account on the Operating System to Run Confluence
- Start Confluence Automatically on Linux
- Start Confluence Automatically on Linux
- Configuring System Properties
- Configuring System Properties
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