Bitbucket Server Fails to Start - SEVERE: Error listenerStart
Bitbucket Server fails to start.
The following appears in the catalina.out
SEVERE: Error listenerStart
As of BitbucketServer 5.x+, no logs are written to the BITBUCKET_INSTALL directory. The contents of catalina.out will be written to BITBUCKET_HOME/log/atlassian-bitbucket.log file.
A long path to a file name should appear complete, e.g.:
<Bitbucket Server home directory>/atlassian-bitbucket/WEB-INF/classes/com.atlassian.bitbucket/internal/johnson/HomeApplicationEventCheck.class
The application files were corrupted by the utility used to unpack the download.
Unpack the download with another utility e.g. 7-zip
Last modified on May 2, 2017
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