- "An error was encountered while retrieving plugin details" when trying to add a plugin
- "Personal projects" in Bitbucket Server
- "Plan your upgrade" doesn't show latest Bitbucket Server versions
- "Required plugin com.atlassian.stash.ssh-plugin has failed to start" is displayed when accessing the Bitbucket Server web interface
- "SSO 2.0" menu item is not visible in the Administration page after upgrading from Bitbucket Server to Data Center
- (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream while configuring Ngnix
- 500 Error Bitbucket Data Center and MySQL database
- Accented or extended UTF-8 characters cause "Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error
- Accessing a repository is returning "A Git repository could not be found" error
- Added or Modified label next to a green or red X with plus or minus sign beside file name in Commits section of GUI
- Adding classes to OSGi boot class loader (BootDelegation)
- An error is returned while editing a file through the Bitbucket in-browser editor if the user performing the action does not have an email address
- An error occured is shown every time users see a Pull Request
- Application links missing, and log reports an attempt to delete trusted applications configuration
- Async handling for HTTP hosting is enabled, but async is not supported for the request. It may be have been blocked by a third-party app.
- Audit cleanup job fails with NumberFormatException
- Bamboo build status incorrectly reported
- Bamboo fails to check revisions out from Bitbucket Server
- Bitbucket "Look and Feel" app issue - default Bitbucket header logo overlaps the uploaded company logo
- Bitbucket could not be started due to java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException
- Bitbucket Dashboard displays a 500 error and won't load after upgrade
- Bitbucket Data Center is not starting due to DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl class not found
- Bitbucket Data Center node fails to start in a timely manner - Error during parsing of java bytecode
- Bitbucket fails to start with UnsatisfiedLinkError, failed to map segment from shared object.
- Bitbucket Server: Cannot create a local group and get an Internal Server Error (500)
- Bitbucket Server: Git operations fails with error fatal: unable to access.. Encountered end of file
- Bitbucket Server/Data Center Auto Unapprove plugin does not remove approvals even after new commits are pushed to the source branch
- Bitbucket Server Automated Support Request Fails to Lodge a Support Ticket
- Bitbucket Server connection to non-default ports using TLS1.2 fails with SocketException: Connection reset
- Bitbucket Server Displays 'There are too many files in this directory. Only showing the first 500.'
- Bitbucket Server Does Not Start - Could not acquire change log lock
- Bitbucket Server Does Not Start - Failed to construct a URI for the NavBuilder from the current requests
- Bitbucket Server Does Not Start - Missing column: remote_address_binary
- Bitbucket Server Does Not Start - Unable to clean the cache directory
- Bitbucket Server does not start - Unable to start the following plugins due to timeout while waiting for plugin to enable
- Bitbucket Server Does Not Start - Wrong column type
- Bitbucket Server Inaccessible After Upgrade - HTTP 400 error
- Bitbucket Server is missing UI elements and mentions inconsistent information
- Bitbucket Server is not starting due to FastMethodInterceptorDelegatorBoot class not found
- Bitbucket Server Mail Notification Updates (for versions 5.10 and above)
- Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Elasticsearch Windows service fails to start due to a logon failure
- Bitbucket Server Process Dies Unexpectedly Due to Linux OOM-Killer
- Bitbucket Server REST API for merging Pull Request fails
- Bitbucket Server sends requests to the domain amazonaws.com
- Bitbucket Server session does not expire after the configured timeout
- Bitbucket server shows "You've switched users" error message when managing account
- Bitbucket Server SSH server fails to start due to 'BouncyCastle is not registered as expected'
- Bitbucket Server throws "Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?" when sending test emails
- Bitbucket Server webhooks cannot be added due to Syntax or http error
- Bitbucket startup throws "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: NTFS ADS separator (':') in file name is forbidden." error after upgrade
- Bitbucket takes much longer than normal to start
- Bitbucket throws error No subject alternative names matching IP address
- Bitbucket throws XSRF token validation failed error during OAuth connection
- Bitbucket Windows installer hangs on extracting files during upgrade
- Bitbucket won't start with Error: Could not find or load main class ssl
- Browsing Directory Names with Space Fails with java.net.URISyntaxException Exception
- Bundled Elasticsearch throws "access denied" errors on Windows installations when symbolic link is used
- c.a.s.i.h.OptimisticOutOfMemoryHandler OutOfMemoryError in Bitbucket Server
- Can't change file in file tree of pull request
- Cannot clone nor push with http://username@bitbucket:7990/scm
- Cannot run Bitbucket Server 1.x on Tomcat 7/JDK 7
- Captcha image doesn't render
- Case-sensitivity in Bitbucket server
- Change the permissions logfiles are created by Bitbucket
- Changing Server ID for Bitbucket Server Cloned Instances
- Clicking Add Reaction on comment results in error
- Clone fails with java.io.OutputStream.write for large repositories when scm-cache is enabled
- Cluster View Node Names are missing or environmental variables are not picked up by Bitbucket Data Center process
- com.atlassian.sal.api.net.ResponseException: No hipchat link currently configured
- Commit build status is always red even if other builds succeed
- Configuring Bitbucket Server Webhook to Jenkins results in Unknown Host response 504
- Configuring syntax highlighting for file extensions
- Could not generate DH keypair on SSL
- Create support zip fails with timeout message
- Creating a Bitbucket Server and Data Center project or repository from Jira
- Creating a Project or Repository Fails With HV000041: Call to TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception
- Cross-repository pull requests in Bitbucket Data Center
- Database query to retrieve Licensed Users with their last login time timestamp in Bitbucket Server and Datacenter
- Debug logs on how a CAPTCHA was cleared
- Disabling public repository access globally causes "Secure Connection Failed" error
- dispatch_protocol_error: type 100 seq 8 Error When Connecting via SSH
- Display PlantUML diagrams in Bitbucket Server/DC UI using Markdown
- Enable automatic merging fails with HTTP Status 400
- Entries for changes made are missing from the audit logs in Bitbucket Data Center.
- Error encountered creating link between Bitbucket Server and HipChat Server
- Errors from trusted application link or Unable to delete application link
- ERR SSL OBSOLETE CIPHER error after upgrading to Google Chrome 53 or later
- fatal: unknown capability 'object-format=sha1' error is reported for Git operations
- Find old or outdated open pull requests
- Forks are not listed in the upstream repository's "Forks" page because they have not been indexed on the Search server
- Garbage Collection log settings for Bitbucket Server and Data Center 6+ when using Java version 11
- Git hook scripts are not executing after upgrading to Bitbucket Data Center 8.x
- Git LFS UI integration reference
- git status shows as files modified directly after clones
- Git Submodules URL are not updated for repositories imported into Bitbucket Server or Data Center
- Handshake failed during wrap javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException error seen in Bitbucket
- Highlighting source code does not allow text to be pasted using Middle Click on Linux versions of Firefox
- HowTo: Apply client side hook restrictions automatically while cloning the repositories from Bitbucket Data Center
- How to apply the limit filter in Bitbucket Server and Datacenter ReST API and query more than the max limit of 1000 results.
- How to define a default merge strategy per Project
- How to delete a branch with non-UTF-8 characters in the branch name in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- How to enable Dark Features in Bitbucket
- How to extract build status of all the commits directly from the Bitbucket Data Center database
- How to find all added or removed commits from Pull Request Updates
- How to find the created and updated date for all repositories in Bitbucket Data Center
- How to query audit log settings in Bitbucket Datacenter?
- How to retrieve all audit entries using the audit log API in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- How to test and validate Bitbucket Secret Scanning rules
- How to turn off the ability to delete pull requests in Bitbucket Data Center
- How-to use OAuth2 tokens for administrative endpoints of Bitbucket Data Center
- HTTP 500 error on certain functions in Bitbucket Server when using unsupported JDK
- HTTP 500 error when navigating to a file
- Identifying a repository's ID in Bitbucket Data Center
- IIS HTTP Error 404 for .cs and .config files
- Installing Add-on Gets stuck and throws Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
- Intermittently, pull request merges fail to delete branch with error replacing .packed-refs: permission denied
- Issues when the "Bitbucket Server - Comment Likes" system plugin is disabled
- java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when triggering Bamboo integration functionalities
- java.lang.IllegalAccessError when attempting some operation
- JIRA Commit checker in Bitbucket Server/Data Center is unable to recognise valid keys from certain JIRA projects in the commit message (like UTF-x, UTC-x, GMT-x etc)
- JohnsonHttpRequestHandlerServlet message in the Bitbucket Server log
- Linked comments in Pull request is not rendering correctly in Bitbucket Datacenter
- Mail sending failed - sign-in attempt prevented
- Mail Server Connection Failed With 'java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect.' Exception
- Mail server connection failed with GMail
- MalformedInputException when comparing branches
- Migration to SQL Server fails with "The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption"
- Missing Pull Requests in Bitbucket Server
- Moving Bitbucket Server to a different context path
- Navigating to a repository page shows "We couldn't find the page you requested" error pop up
- NoDefaultBranchException error regarding the default branch - this branch does not exist
- Nothing displayed on the pull request page
- Notifications fail to be sent when using SubGit SVN Importer
- ORA-03146 error when writing LOB to database
- Oracle database errors after upgrading Bitbucket Data Center or Server
- org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS fatal: Could not switch to <git installation>/git/etc/ No such file or directory
- Permission denied in Apache logs when used as a reverse proxy
- Permission error on user profile page after adding SSH key
- Plugin incompatibility with Bitbucket Server 3.0
- PreReceiveHook and PostReceiveHook are not invoked
- Projects disappear on upgrade due to an incompatibility with the Bitbucket Server Project Categories plugin
- Pull request diff cannot be displayed due to "fatal: cannot exec './transcode.pl': Permission denied" error
- Pull request suggestion(print-branch-links-hook) still have the old URL after changing the Bitbucket server URL
- Pull request tree and user mentions not working after upgrade
- Pull Request Won't Merge Changes to Master Branch
- Querying the Bitbucket Server and Data Center database to get a list of users, group memberships and source directory
- Received fatal alert: handshake_failure in Bitbucket Data Center
- Remote: error: file write error (no space left on the device)
- Remove the Can't access your account link from Bitbucket
- Repo cannot be forked. Fork hierarchies are limited to a maximum depth of 5
- Repository has invalid reflog entry
- Resolving Repository Access Issues in Bitbucket Post-Upgrade to Version 9+ Due to Oracle Database Constraints and Indexing Inconsistencies
- REST API Stuck and Only Returns SSH-2.0-SSHD-CORE-0.9.0-ATLASSIAN-5
- Running Bitbucket Server on a Privileged Port (without Root)
- Server Unreachable - Timeout when merging or viewing Diff of pull request
- SSH add-on does not load when Bitbucket Server starts
- SSL certificate problem: Unable to get local issuer certificate
- Stash Webhook to Jenkins add-on failed to enable
- Switching branch type in Create Branch screen does not work
- Syntax highlight changes
- The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable
- The diff for this file is too large to render
- Timestamp Incorrect in Bitbucket Server
- Too Many Open Files in Bitbucket Data Center
- Troubleshooting Installation
- Unable to connect to Atlassian Marketplace with UPM
- Unable to create merge diff for pull request
- Unable to delete projects and repositories with application based firewall
- Unable to launch Bitbucket Server (no Spring WebApplicationContext is available)
- Unable to load Pull Request attachments in Bitbucket due to a 500 StackOverflow error
- Unable to log in to HipChat from Bitbucket Server
- Unable to merge a pull request when using the Required Builds merge check in Bitbucket Data Center
- Unable to start Tomcat due to java.io.IOException Alias name not identifying a key entry
- Unable to update UPM
- Unable to view commit details
- Unicode characters are not displayed correctly after enabling transcoding diffs in a repository in Bitbucket Data Center
- Universal Plugin Manager says the datetime zone ID is not recognised
- Updating add-ons by file upload hangs using UPM
- UPM Self-Update fails when updating from UPM 2.7.8 or 2.7.9 to newer versions
- User directory synchronization fails with the exception "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value <STRING> exceeds maximum allowed length of 255 characters" in Bitbucket Data Center
- Users can't login to Bitbucket - LDAP response read timed out
- Users don't receive Slack notifications after updating Slack integration credentials in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- WARN o.a.h.c.p.ResponseProcessCookies Invalid cookie header log
- Webhook events are skipped because the queue is full
- What is the Bitbucket Server ID?
- When attempting to view a Diff in Bitbucket Server an unknown error message is received
- Which ports does Bitbucket Server listen on, and what are they used for?
- Why does Bitbucket occasionally not remove the directory from the filesystem when a repository is deleted?
- Why is Bitbucket Server listening on random ports?
- Why is there a discrepancy between the date the license expires and the date shown in Bitbucket?
- XSRF Security Token Missing error occurs in Bitbucket Data Center
- You are accessing Bitbucket from a URL that does not match the configured base URL
- You don't have permission to access file on this server
- You do not have permission to create a repository within the project
Last modified on Sep 16, 2015
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