Team Calendars FAQ

Get answers to your Team Calendars for Confluence questions. Click any of the questions below to view the answer.

How do I set up Team Calendars?

Team Calendars is part of Confluence Data Center. Upgrade to Confluence Data Center 7.11 or later to use Team Calendars.

Does Team Calendars work on my phone or device?

Maybe! It depends whether you have a calendar app that supports iCal or CalDAV. See Subscribe to Team Calendars from Third-Party Calendars to find out how to get set up.

Can I add more than one person to an event for my people calendar?

Yes you can. Just add multiple names in the people field.

Is Team Calendars available in my local language?

Team Calendars is available in English and many of the the bundled Confluence languages. See Choosing a Default Language for a list of languages available in Confluence.

Can I change the date/time format (E.g. mm/dd or dd/mm)?

The date format is dependent on your language settings and automatically adjusts accordingly - this is a Confluence user and global setting. An admin can set the site default language (see Choosing a Default Language) and you can also set your preference (see Edit Your User Settings).

Can I change the starting day of the week?

Team Calendars uses the language set in each user's profile to determine which day of the week should be the first day in the calendar. For example, if a user has selected US English, Sunday will be the first day of the week. If they select UK English, Monday will be the first day of the week.

If you want to override the default for all users, regardless of their profile setting, go to Administration > General Configuration > Team Calendars and choose a specific day of the week.

Can I subscribe to Google Public Calendar from Team Calendars?

Currently, it's not possible to subscribe to Google Calendar from Team Calendars using Public URL to this Calendar from Google. This is a known issue with Google Calendar; it appears that Google Calendar Public URL doesn't contain the data/event that can be read by Team Calendars to display events. You can subscribe to Google Calendar from Team Calendars using these links:

  • Secret address in iCal format
  • Public address in iCal format (if your calendar is made available to the public)
How can I make JIRA events and events from external calendars more accurate?

Events from JIRA and external calendars are cached to help your calendars load more quickly. The cache expiry (time to live) defaults to 10 minutes, and is configurable. Go to Team Calendars > General Settings and decrease the Cache expiry time if you want these events to update more frequently.

Team Calendars for Confluence is now part of Confluence Data Center
To get access to the features described on this page upgrade to Confluence Data Center 7.11 or later. Can’t upgrade yet? Depending on your current Data Center version, you can access these features by installing the latest version of the app (
at no cost). See our FAQ for all the details

Last modified on Sep 30, 2024

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