Comment box disappears: $soyTemplateRendererHelper.getRenderedTemplateHtml

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The comment box disappears from all Confluence pages and instead, it is replaced by the following code that is not parsed:

$soyTemplateRendererHelper.getRenderedTemplateHtml("com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.quickcomments:quick-comment-initial", "", $templateParameters)

Image 1 - Issue:


The "Confluence Soy Template Renderer for Velocity" module (soyTemplateRendererHelperContext) for "Confluence Soy Template Support" plugin gets disabled.

The behavior is described on the following but tracker:
CONFSERVER-22390 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Re-enabling the affected module should get rid of the issue.

Image 2 - Plugin:

Image 3 - Module:

(lightbulb) PS: also ensure that all modules for "Confluence Soy Template Support" plugin are enabled.

Option 1 - REST API (no downtime)

Sending REST API calls via CURL to Confluence and re-enabling the affected modules will fix the issue without downtime.

(tick) This is our recommended approach.

  1. Set the following session variables with current values:

    CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL=<Confluence Base URL>
    ADMIN_USRNAME=<local admin account username>
    ADMIN_PWD=<local admin account password>
  2. Fetch the UPM Token:

    UPM_TOKEN=$(curl -I --user $ADMIN_USRNAME:$ADMIN_PWD -H 'Accept: application/vnd.atl.plugins.installed+json' ${CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL}'/rest/plugins/1.0/?os_authType=basic' 2>/dev/null | grep 'upm-token' | cut -d " " -f 2 | tr -d '\r')
  3. Run the following command:

    curl --user ${ADMIN_USRNAME}:${ADMIN_PWD} -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.atl.plugins.plugin.module+json' -X PUT ${CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL}'/rest/plugins/1.0/'${UPM_TOKEN} --data '{"key":"soyTemplateRendererHelperContext","completeKey":"","links":{"self":"/rest/plugins/1.0/","modify":"/rest/plugins/1.0/","plugin":"/rest/plugins/1.0/"},"enabled":true,"optional":false,"name":"Confluence Soy Template Renderer for Velocity","recognisableType":true,"broken":false}'

Once done, the comment boxes should re-appear.

Option 2 - Database (requires downtime)

(info) If you are having trouble enabling the module, you may do the following:

  1. Shutdown Confluence
  2. Backup your database
  3. Run the following SQL query (this will set all plugin modules back to their default enabled/disabled state, so be sure to check that all plugins are functioning as expected, especially the HTML Macros if you have them enabled):

    UPDATE BANDANA SET BANDANAVALUE='<map/>' WHERE BANDANAKEY='plugin.manager.state.Map'
  4. Delete the following cache folders:
    1. <confluence_home>/plugins-osgi-cache
    2. <confluence_home>/bundled-plugins
    3. <confluence_home>/plugins-temp
    4. <confluence_home>/plugins-cache
    5. <confluence-home>/bundled-plugins_language

  5. Start Confluence. The cache folders will be recreated and the plugins will be rebuilt
  6. Check all your plugins are working as expected
Last modified on Jan 21, 2021

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