Confluence won't start after upgrade because the build numbers don't match

Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Except Fisheye and Crucible


A Confluence Data Center upgrade fails, and the error logs show a mismatch between build numbers in the database and the home directory.

Error messages

One or more errors similar to these appear in the atlassian-confluence.log :

20XX-01-01 00:00:00,00 ERROR [main] [atlassian.confluence.setup.BootstrapApplicationStartupListener] checkConfigurationOnStartup Confluence will not start up because the build number in the Home Directory [<build number>] doesn't match the build number in the Database [<build number>].
20XX-01-01 00:00:00,00 ERROR [Catalina-utility-1] [atlassian.confluence.setup.BootstrapApplicationStartupListener] checkConfigurationOnStartup Confluence cluster node will not start up because the finalized build number in the database [<build number>] doesn't match either the application build number [<build number>] or the home directory build number [<build number>].

Check the build numbers

The versions represented by the build numbers can be found on this page: Confluence Build Information.

The build number is stored in the database in the CONFVERSION table, and in the home directory in <confluence_home_directory>/confluence.cfg.xml.

The CONFVERSION table, which stores information about the versions of Confluence your instance has been upgraded to, is actually a record of the upgrade tasks that have completed successfully. When an upgrade task completes, Confluence puts an entry in the CONFVERSION table with the build number of that upgrade task.

This is why the build numbers in the CONFVERSION table sometimes don't match the actual build numbers of releases; each upgrade task has a build number, and then each release has a build number that is higher than all the upgrade tasks that are required to upgrade to that version.

You can find the build numbers for the database by running:

select * from CONFVERSION;

You can find the build numbers for the home directory by looking in the <confluence_home_directory>/confluence.cfg.xml  file:

        <property name="finalizedBuildNumber">4215</property>

Fix the build number mismatch

Perform these fixes one at a time, then attempt a restart. If it is not successful or can't be used, move on to the next solution.

Restore if possible

If possible, both the database and confluence.cfg.xml file within the home directory should be restored to a point before the failed upgrade attempt. Once this has been done, ensure that the buildnumber field within the CONFVERSION table and the buildNumber tag (along with the finalizedBuildNumber tag for newer versions of Confluence) in the confluence.cfg.xml file within the home directory are identical.  And if a Data Center cluster is enabled, also ensure that the buildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the shared home folder matches.

Manually set the build numbers

If restoring to that point is not possible, manually set the build numbers back to the lower value of the two.

For example, if the buildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the local home folder shows 4215, and the latest buildnumber field within the CONFVERSION table database shows 3289, then the buildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file should be set to 3289 and then the upgrade should be performed again. This will trigger all applicable upgrade tasks between the Confluence version that the database is using and the version of the installation files that are being upgraded to, resulting in possible updates to the database schema and updates to the build number tags within the confluence.cfg.xml file.  

(info) If a Data Center cluster is enabled, then the buildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the shared home folder will also need to be reset prior to reattempting the upgrade.  Also, for newer versions of Confluence, please also reset the finalizedBuildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the local home folder.

To change the value in the Database, delete any entries that have a build number higher than the version in your home directory:

Under no circumstances should one remove all rows/version information from the CONFVERSION table


Locked for version upgrade

If that didn't resolve it, let's check what the last record looks like in the CONFVERSION table - the build number here should be the same as the build number referenced for the DB in the error log:

select * from CONFVERSION;

If you note that the confluence.cfg.xml file contains the upgraded database build number, but the CONFVERSION table shows a row similar to this:

456012345664412017-07-04 06:01:42.54Locked for version upgrade to 7201

This suggests the schema upgrades have not completed. This issue can be corrected manually by reverting back the build numbers and using the -Datlassian.forceSchemaUpdate system property. 

Update tags within the confluence.cfg.xml file(s)

Begin by updating build number in the buildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the local home folder (and shared home folder, if a Data Center cluster is configured).  The build number should match the database build number (ie 6441 in the above scenario).  Also, for newer versions of Confluence, please also update the finalizedBuildNumber tag of the confluence.cfg.xml file that's located in the local home folder.

Update the versiontag field in the CONFVERSION table

Next, the versiontag field for the most recent build number should be set to null if it is not:

Database Updates:

As this involved modification to the database, you are strongly advised to create a backup of your database prior to modification

Also: Please remember to COMMIT the changes (Oracle requires the changes to be committed before they are accepted)


Regarding the "lock_for_upgrade_to_" message:

  • It is inserted into the CONFVERSION table only for clustered Data Center instances and acts as a database row lock in order to ensure that only one node within a cluster is initiating schema changes to the database.
  • It is inserted even though there might not be a change to a build number.
  • It's OK for it to remain in the table after an upgrade has successfully completed.
  • It needs to be reset to NULL or some other value only in the event of reattempting a failed upgrade.
  • Other records referencing intermediate build numbers may be inserted into the table during an upgrade.  Their entry is triggered by various upgrade tasks within the overall upgrade process.

Add the forceSchemaUpdate Java option

Finally, to force a schema upgrade apply the following system property to the instance (see Configuring System Properties for OS-specific steps): -Datlassian.forceSchemaUpdate=true

Once these changes have been made stop all nodes before allowing a single node to start fully. Then confirm the build numbers match across the database and the confluence.cfg.xml, and if that is the case, the -Datlassian.forceSchemaUpdate=true can be removed.


This can be caused by one of the following situations:

  1. If you have just performed a site restore and you are running Confluence 5.1.4 or earlier, you may be encountering this bug: CONFSERVER-29758 - Home directory and database build number mismatch in Confluence 5.1.x after a site restore (NOT after an upgrade) If your situation matches what is discussed in the description, please follow the workaround provided in that bug report.
  2. At some point in the past an upgrade failed.
  3. The database has been restored to an earlier version, but the home directory hasn't.
  4. The home directory has been restored to an earlier version, but the database hasn't.

In all cases, it means that not all upgrade tasks have run on both the database and the home directory.

Last modified on Mar 19, 2025

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