How to generate external thread dumps for Confluence 5.9.2 running Windows with the bundled JRE
Provide thread dumps to Atlassian support to troubleshoot performance issues or system crashes.
- Download Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8_65 from the Oracle site:
- Install it, making sure to choose the default folder
- Download the attached batch file, "threaddumps.bat" threaddumps.bat
- Run the batch file as an administrator:
For most Windows servers you will need to launch an elevated command prompt with this command, and run the batch file in the command window:
psexec -s cmd.exe
If psexec is not on your server, download the PsTools suite from
Retrieve the thread dumps from C:\threaddumps folder and attach them to the ticket on
Last modified on Feb 19, 2016
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