'tar' Command Yields 'A lone zero block at 145270'


When untarring the distribution, the Operating System shows an error:

confluence-std-2.6.2/bin/OS X - Run Confluence In Background.command
confluence-std-2.6.2/bin/OS X - Stop Confluence.command
confluence-std-2.6.2/bin/OS X - Run Confluence In Terminal Window.command
tar: A lone zero block at 145270


This issue occurs for certain versions of tar. The warning is apparently caused by different versions of tar having different end of file indicators. There isn't a definitive link on the topic.

The cause is a known issue with a Maven plugin, which will be integrated into our build environment as soon as the fix has been implemented.


  1. Right-click on the file in gnome or OS X and select "Extract here".
  2. Download the zipped version of Confluence (rather than the tar) and unzip that.
  3. Ignore the warning message and proceed, if the extracted package is complete.


Track a resolution for this at CONF-10689. For now, we are suggesting the workarounds.

Last modified on Mar 30, 2016

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