Installing Crowd Data Center

Beta versions of Crowd Data Center are not intended to be deployed in production environments. Those versions are not feature complete and may contain bugs. Atlassian does not take responsibility for potential data loss or malfunctions caused by Crowd Data Center.

Crowd Data Center overview

Crowd Data Center is a solution for larger enterprises where Crowd is used for authentication and user management, and where high availability is crucial.

Crowd Data Center consists of a cluster of dedicated machines with three distinct roles:

  • Load balancer – It distributes requests from your users to the nodes in the cluster. If a node stops working, the load balancer detects the failure and redirects the requests to other nodes within seconds.
  • Application nodes – A cluster of nodes, which share the incoming requests. A failure of one is not visible to users, because of the immediate redirects.
  • Shared database – A database where all the nodes store their data.


If you encounter any problems while installing Crowd Data Center, create an issue, and we'll get this sorted out for you.

Before you start

Before you install Crowd Data Center, review this prerequisite information:

  • Prepare a Crowd Data Center license. As a participant in the private beta, you should have already received a license key from Atlassian in a separate email. If you need a new license or want to get involved, sign up for Beta
  • Understand the node requirements.

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    • Each Crowd node must run on its own machine (physical or virtual), with a separate machine for the database. The database must be accessible by each node.
    • Normal Crowd supported platforms and requirements apply to each node.
    • Each node does not need to be identical, but for consistent performance, we recommend they are as close as possible.
    • Nodes must run the exact same Crowd version and must be located in the same data center.
    • Nodes must be configured with the same timezone and keep the current time synchronized. Using ntpd or some similar service is a good way to arrange this.
    • You'll need a directory (network share) that can be accessed by all your nodes.
  • Install and configure a load balancer of your choice.

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    • The load balancer must support "cookie based session affinity" (also known as "sticky sessions")
    • Make sure all Atlassian applications and other REST clients access application nodes using the load balancer

To guarantee high availability, you should also cluster the load balancer and database.

Installing Crowd Data Center

This illustration shows the general method of installing a Crowd clustered instance:


This install guide assumes that you already have a Crowd instance, a load balancer, and a database service.

Before upgrading from an earlier version of Crowd, back up your data.

1. Create the shared directory

This step is required only for Crowd Data Center 3.0.0-m02 and onward.

  1. Create a directory and name it shared. All nodes in your Data Center must be able to access it.
  2. When installing Crowd, you'll create a home directory. Mount shared as a subdirectory of it.

    I have started Crowd and it created a local shared directory...

    If you, by any chance, have already installed and started Crowd Data Center, stop your instance, and copy the contents of the local shared directory to the network share, and replace the directory with a link to the network share.

2. Upgrade or install Crowd 3.0 or later

See Installation and Upgrade Guide. If you upgraded your license in an existing instance of Crowd, restart it before proceeding.

You can verify that Crowd is running in Data Center mode by checking that the node id is displayed in the footer

3. Add the first Crowd node to your load balancer

Crowd Data Center relies on a load balancer to balance traffic between the nodes. Many larger installations of Crowd already have a reverse proxy configured, and many reverse proxies have the ability to perform load balancing as well. We've provided a sample Apache httpd configuration to serve as an example, but check with your proxy vendor for specific information.

Sample httpd configuration with mod_balancer
<VirtualHost *:80>
        ProxyRequests off
        ServerName MyCompanyServer
        Header add Set-Cookie "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
        <Proxy balancer://crowdcluster>
                # Crowd node 1 (make sure there are no trailing slashes after port number)
                BalancerMember route=node1
                # Crowd node 2 (make sure there are no trailing slashes after port number)
                BalancerMember route=node2
                # Security "we aren't blocking anyone but this the place to make those changes
                Order Deny,Allow
                Deny from none
                Allow from all
                # Load Balancer Settings
                # We are not really balancing anything in this setup, but need to configure this
                ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
                ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
        # Here's how to enable the load balancer's management UI if desired
        <Location /balancer-manager>
                SetHandler balancer-manager
                # You SHOULD CHANGE THIS to only allow trusted ips to use the manager
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all
        # Don't reverse-proxy requests to the management UI
        ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
        # Reverse proxy all other requests to the Crowd cluster
        ProxyPass / balancer://crowdcluster/
        ProxyPreserveHost on
        ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster/
Sample haproxy configuration
    log   local0
    log   local1 debug
    maxconn 4096
    log     global
    mode    http
    option  httplog
    option  dontlognull
    retries 3
    option redispatch
    maxconn 2000
    timeout connect      5000
    timeout client      50000
    timeout server      50000
  frontend localnodes
    bind *:8000
    mode http
    default_backend nodes
  backend nodes
    mode http
    balance roundrobin
    option forwardfor
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
    option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:localhost
    cookie ROUTEID insert nocache
    server node1 check cookie node1
    server node2 check cookie node2

After adding Crowd to the load balancer, ensure that basic functionality is working after restarting the Crowd instance by navigating to the instance, logging in, and noting any broken links or malfunctioning Crowd functionality.

You can also use the REST endpoint ( http://<your instance>/crowd/rest/admin/1.0/cluster to verify that the first node is correctly listed, and that you're running in the clustered mode. Be sure to check that the base server URL is configured properly (to the load balancer public URL).

4. Configure the first Crowd node

 Make sure that the Base URL configured in Crowd's General settings points to the load balancer URL.

5. Add a new node to the cluster

  1. Copy your existing Crowd installation directory to the new node. You can install a new Crowd instance, but we recommend copying the existing one to keep the configuration (installation paths, users, permissions, etc.) on both nodes the same, which makes the deployment easier.
  2. Create a home directory for Crowd on the new node, and mount shared as a subdirectory of it.
  3. Start Crowd on the new node. The node should automatically join the cluster.
  4. Ensure that the user and group management, directory sync, and any custom integrations work as expected.
  5. Verify that the new node is listed in the Cluster Monitoring page in the Administration menu.

6. Connect this new node to the load balancer

Verify that the new node is in the cluster and receiving requests by checking the logs on each node to ensure both are receiving traffic. Also check that updates done on one node are visible on the other.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each node

Interested in learning more about what Crowd Data Center provides? Click here for an overview.

Last modified on Aug 17, 2018

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