Connecting Crowd to a Database

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Supported Versions

Crowd supports the versions of MySQL listed on the Supported Platforms page.

When you run the Crowd Setup Wizard, you will be asked to choose a database and provide configuration settings for that database. It will make things easier if you have created the database and deployed the database driver before you start the Setup Wizard.

Follow the instructions below to set up MySQL for Crowd.

1. Configure MySQL

  1. Create a database user which Crowd will connect as (e.g. crowduser).
  2. Create a database for Crowd to store data in (e.g. crowd). For a UTF-8 encoded database:

    create database crowd character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
  3. Ensure that the user has permission to connect to the database, and create and populate tables:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON crowd.* TO 'crowduser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'crowdpass';
  4. Edit the my.cnf file (often named my.ini on Windows operating systems) in your MySQL server. Locate the [mysqld]section in the file, and add or modify the following parameters (Refer to MySQL Option Files for detailed instructions on editing my.cnf and my.ini.): 

    • Specify the default character set to be UTF-8:

    • Set the default storage engine to InnoDB:

    • set to transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED.

      transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED


    • The above configuration will prevent errors when you import directory information into Crowd. See CWD-1505.
  5. Restart your MySQL server for the configuration change to take effect.

2. Copy the MySQL Driver to your Application Server

  1. Download the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver driver.
  2. Add the MySQL JDBC driver jar (mysql-connector-java-5.x.x-bin.jar) to the following directory:
    • Crowd 2.0.2 or later: {CROWD_INSTALL}/apache-tomcat/lib/.
    • Crowd 2.0.1 or earlier: {CROWD_INSTALL}/apache-tomcat/common/lib/.

Do not place Debug Driver on CLASSPATH

Do not place the Debug Driver (mysql-connector-java-5.x.x-bin-g.jar) on the CLASSPATH as this can cause issues. See (JRA-8674).

Next Steps

Complete the Crowd installation, then start Crowd and run the Setup Wizard as described in the Installation Guide.

Last modified on Feb 22, 2019

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