Link to other applications

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Application links (sometimes called app links) allow you to set up links, share information, and provide access to certain resources or functionality across multiple Atlassian products. Linking Jira to other applications allows you to include information from these systems in Jira projects and issues.

For example, if you link Jira to Confluence, you can include pointers to wiki pages when creating or editing issues. Another common use case is to link Bitbucket Data Center with Jira; this allows you to view branches, commits, and pull requests that correspond to your Jira issues. In addition to Atlassian products, you can also link to external applications – for example, you can use an app that allows you to share ZenDesk or Salesforce data via an application link.

To view application links:

  1. Go to Administration, then Applications.

  2. Select Application links. You’ll see the following page: 

  1. Application: Name of the linked application and its version. For external applications, it always shows Generic application.

  2. Direction: Communication direction, either Incoming, Outgoing, or Two-way. For Atlassian products, you should configure two-way communication, but some external applications won’t need it.

  3. Status: Connection status. For external applications, it always shows Non-Atlassian.

  4. Actions: Actions you can do on your links.

    1. Go to remote – open the full application link configuration.
    2. Make primary – specify a default instance if you have multiple links to the same type of application (for example, to multiple Jira instances).
    3. Delete – remove an application link from Jira.
    4. For OAuth 2.0 connections, you can additionally view your OAuth credentials.

Link Jira Data Center to other Atlassian products using OAuth 2.0

You can connect Jira Data Center with other Data Center or Cloud-based Atlassian products, such as Confluence Software Cloud, using OAuth 2.0 and application links. To establish a connection between Atlassian products using OAuth 2.0:

  1. Configure incoming OAuth 2.0 links on the local application (the one you’re linking from).

  2. Configure incoming OAuth 2.0 links on the remote application (the one you’re linking to).

  3. Configure outgoing OAuth 2.0 links on the local application (the one you’re linking from).

  4. Configure outgoing OAuth 2.0 links on the remote application (the one you’re linking to).

During configuration, you’ll be exchanging information between the local and remote applications. You can edit both incoming and outgoing links.

To configure incoming OAuth 2.0 links (steps 1 and 2):

Configuring incoming links is the first part of your process. As a result of the following procedure, you’ll receive a Client ID and Client secret. These credentials are important for setting up outgoing links on the linked remote application's end.

  1. From Administration, select Applications, and then Application Links.

  2. In Application links, select Create link.

  3. Select Atlassian product via OAuth 2.0 as the application type.

  4. Enter the Application URL of the Atlassian product that you're linking to.

  5. Confirm URLs and Select Continue.

  6. Enter the redirect URL to create an incoming link.

    When configuring a Data Center to Data Center connection, the redirect URL must be obtained from the remote application's outgoing screen. For a Data Center to Cloud connection, the redirect URL is hidden and will be filled in automatically.

    If you’re relying on other admins, you may need to wait until the remote link is defined on the linked application's side (Create outgoing link). Therefore, we recommend using a placeholder initially and editing the redirect URL once you receive it from the remote application side.

  7. From the Permission dropdown, select Read.

  8. Select Continue.

  9. Save or copy credentials.

  10. Repeat steps 1 to 6 in the application you’re linking (remote application). Remember to copy and save the credentials at the end of the process.

You’ve configured the incoming links. Now, configure the outgoing OAuth 2.0 links.

To configure outgoing OAuth 2.0 links (steps 3 and 4):

  1. From the Incoming link details screen, select Configure outgoing. You’ll be redirected to the outgoing link configuration page.
  2. Enter the Client ID and Client secret you received while configuring the linked (remote) application.

  3. If you connect Confluence Data Center to any Atlassian Data Center product, define the Scope as Read.

  4. Use the Redirect URI in the linked (remote) application's incoming link configuration.

  5. Save the configuration to set up the two-way communication mode.

To edit OAuth 2.0 links:

  1. From Administration, select Applications, and then Application Links.
  2. Go to Actions: Actions you can do on your links.

    1. Go to remote – Use this option to open the full application link configuration. You'll be redirected to the Application URL.
    2. View credentials – Here you can check the Client Id and Client secret of an incoming link.
    3. Edit incoming link - Here you can edit an Incoming link. You need to do this to update the redirect URL.

    4. Edit outgoing link - Here you can edit an Outgoing link.

    5. Test connection - Here you can check if the OAuth 2.0 configuration of an outgoing link is correct.

    6. Delete – Use this option to remove an application link from Jira.

Link to Atlassian products or external applications using OAuth 1.0

When you link to other Atlassian products, the communication is using OAuth 1.0.

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You can also use this option to link to external applications using OAuth 1.0 – we've kept this option for users who can't upgrade their integrations to use OAuth 2.0.

To link to other Atlassian products or external applications using OAuth 1.0:

  1. In application links, select Create link.

  2. Select Atlassian product as the link type.

  3. Enter the URL of your Atlassian product or external application.

  4. Follow the steps in the wizard. You’ll be redirected between Jira and the product you’re linking to to authorize the two-way connection.

Link to external applications using OAuth 2.0

You can link Jira to external applications using OAuth 2.0 in both directions, either making Jira act as a client (outgoing link) or provider (incoming link).

Configure Jira as an OAuth 2.0 client (outgoing link)

In this scenario, Jira acts as an OAuth client, requesting data from the external application.

Choose when:

  • You need to configure integrations with external email providers, such as Google or Microsoft so your users can create issues and comments from emails.

  • You want to use DVCS accounts to integrate GitLab with development tools.

For more information, see Configure an outgoing link.

Configure Jira as an OAuth 2.0 provider (incoming link)

In this scenario, Jira acts as an OAuth provider, allowing the external application to access its data.

Choose when:

  • You have internal integrations that are currently using OAuth 1.0 and want to update them to OAuth 2.0 for better security. We’ve included details about our OAuth 2.0 implementation to help you achieve that.

For more information, see Configure an incoming link.

To add Microsoft as a new provider, you should have an OAuth key and secret from Microsoft Azure. Learn how to generate them

Last modified on Oct 24, 2024

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