Troubleshoot the DVCS Connector

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When opened in a viewport, the user will be redirected to: Troubleshoot connections with Jira Software.

Use the following table to troubleshoot Bitbucket Cloud issues with the connector.

The list doesn't contain all the repositories; private repositories are missing.The connector does not have permission to access private repositories.

Use the Reset OAuth settings option to see which account authorized the access. Then, use the DVCS provider to review and, if necessary, change that user's account access.

The authentication failed.The OAuth key and secret are invalid.

Verify that the OAuth key and secret are correct.

The Cloud account doesn't work.Someone accidentally deleted the OAuth key and secret from the Bitbucket account.
  1. Log into Bitbucket using an account with Admin permissions.
  2. Open the account or team which owns the connection:
    1. avatar > Settings
    2. Teams > your team name then click Manage team
  3.  Click OAuth and check for a consumer with connection to your Jira Software instance and do one of the following:
    1. Create new OAuth key and secret if no connection exists.
    2. Reset the OAuth settings for the account if the connection exists but is not functional.
Repository linking problem. The post commit service could not be installed.  The connector does not have administration permission to the repository.Use the Reset OAuth settings  option to see which account authorized the access. Then, use the DVCS provider to review and, if necessary, change that user's account access.
  1. Copy the callback URL from the error dialog.
  2. Log into Bitbucket using an account with repository admin access.
  3. Manually install the POST service.
The restriction on number of post commit services on the repository was reached.
  1. Log into Bitbucket using an account with repository admin access.
  2. Go to the repository's  settings.
  3. Click Services in the left-hand navigation.
  4. Remove redundant post commit services on the repository.
  5. Try to link the repository again by syncing the account.
"Invalid credentials, please reset OAuth settings" message appears beside the organization.The connector lost permissions to access the organization.Use the Reset OAuth settings  option to see which account authorized the access. Then, use the DVCS provider to review and, if necessary, change that user's account access.
If the DVCS provider revoked the access token, regenerate the access token using Reset OAuth settings option.
SmartCommits don't work.

The email address cannot be found in Jira Software.Update email for either Jira Software user or DVCS user.
The are multiple Jira Software users with the same email address.Each user's email must be unique in Jira Software for smart commits to work.
The user's email on Bitbucket is different from the user's email in Jira Software.The email address associated with the user in Bitbucket must also match the address associated with the user in Jira Software.
User doesn't have permission to log work.Grant user permission to log work in Jira Software.
The invitation from Bitbucket was not sent.An invalid or incorrect email was set for the user.

Create an invitation from Bitbucket:

  1. Log into Bitbucket using an account with repository admin access.
  2. Go to avatar > Settings, and pick a team from Manage if necessary.
  3. Choose Groups.
  4. Determine which group to add the user to.
  5. Add the user's email to the group.
The user has not logged into Jira Software yet. Ask user to log in to Jira Software.
Everything is set up correctly, but the email hasn't arrived.
  1. Log into Bitbucket using an account with repository admin access.
  2. Go to avatar > Settings, and pick a team from Manage if necessary.
  3. Choose Groups.
  4. Locate the user's email and press Resend.
The groups cannot be downloaded.The connector does not have administration permission to the account. Use the Reset OAuth settings option to see which account authorized the access. Then, use the DVCS provider to review and, if necessary, change that user's account access.
The screen for changing the password for a DVCS account is inaccessible. Password-based authentication for DVCS accounts has been deprecatedFollow the steps in Migrating DVCS accounts from password-based authentication to OAuth authentication to get your DVCS accounts authenticating using OAuth

Bitbucket Cloud 

Reset OAuth Settings for 

Resetting the OAuth token can resolve some of the issues that arise with the DVCS connector.

There are 2 stages to this:

  1. Generate the new token
  2. Reset OAuth settings in Jira Software

1. Generate the new token

Generate a new token in either Bitbucket or GitHub, depending on which DVCS hosts your repositories:

Generate a new token in Bitbucket (click to see how...)

 Generate a new token in Bitbucket:

  1. Open one of the following: 
    1. Avatar > Manage account if an individual account manages the Jira Software connection.
    2. Teams > your team name then click Manage team if a team manages the Jira Software connection.
  2. Click OAuth in the 'Access Management section.
    You should see an existing consumer connection for Jira Software DVCS. If you do not, make sure you're in the right account. If it is the correct account don't worry, we'll add the connection now. 
  3. Click Add consumer
  4. Enter details for Name and Description
  5. Enter the Jira Software URL (for example, 
  6. Select the following permissions:
    • Account: Write
    • Repositories: Admin (but not Repository: Write)
    • Pull requests: Read

    These are the minimum permissions required by the Jira Software DVCS connector.
    Selecting additional permissions will have no adverse affects on the integration. 
  7. Click Save.
  8. Copy the newly generated Key and Secret. Leave this tab or window open so you can refer back to it later. 
  9. Open a new browser window or tab and continue to 2. Reset OAuth settings in Jira Software, below.
Generate a new token in GitHub or GitHub Enterprise (click to see how...)

Generate a new token in GitHub or GH Enterprise:

Log in as a user with administrative rights on the account:

  1. Choose Edit Your Profile
  2. Select Applications
  3. Choose Register new application
  4. Enter JIRA DVCS for the Application Name
  5. Enter the Jira Software URL for both the URL and Callback URL fields. Press Register Application.

  6. Open a new browser window or tab and continue to 2. Reset OAuth settings in Jira Software, below.

Make sure you enter the Jira Software Base URL (for example, for both the Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL fields. Don't use the dashboard URL ( 

See DCON-467 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For Jira 6.2, the URL to use is

2. Reset OAuth settings in Jira Software

Add your new token to your DVCS account:

  1. Navigate to the 'DVCS accounts' section in Jira Software administration.

  2. Click the 'cog' icon (B in the screenshot above) for your repository and choose Reset OAuth Settings.
  3. Replace the existing Key and Secret with the new values generated in step 1 above.
  4. Click Regenerate Access Token.
  5. Close the window. 

After you have confirmed that the new connection works you can go back to your Bitbucket team or account settings and remove the old consumer.

Last modified on Aug 31, 2017

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