Assign group access to a project role

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You can grant access to project roles and applications through groups. Simply add a user to a group with predefined security settings to give them the access they need. Creating a clear security model, with specialized user groups, that grant specific access to applications is the easiest way for longterm admin support. 


The best way to give users access to a project role is to grant access to a group. This way you can assign a group access and then simply add a user to the group and save yourself some time managing individual user permissions.  

To assign access to a project role on the group level:
  1. Select  > Projects.
  2. Click the title of the project that you want to assign permissions to.

  3. Click Users and Roles.
  4. Click the Add users to a role link.

  5. Type the group (or user) names you want to add to a role.
  6. Select the role from the drop-down.
  7. Click Add to finish.


See 'Assign users to groups, project roles, and applications' for more information.
Last modified on Sep 4, 2017

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