Assigning responsibility for build failures

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Bamboo automatically alerts the people who are assigned as responsible for a broken build, and lets other members of the team know that someone is looking at the problem. As you investigate the build failure, you can revise who is responsible, or claim all the responsibility for yourself.

People are assigned as being responsible for fixing a broken build in two ways:

  • When a build fails, Bamboo automatically assigns all those who committed code to the failing build as responsible.
  • You can manually assign people as being responsible.

Bamboo then sends notifications to whoever is assigned. Once the build is successful, Bamboo removes the responsible people from the buildthey're off the hook!

Note that notifications need to have been configured first, using the Change of responsibilities Event and the Responsible user Recipient type. See Configuring notifications for a plan and its jobs for more information.

To assign responsibility for a broken build manually:

  1. Go to the build result summary for a plan.
  2. Select Assign responsibility to make another member of your team responsible for fixing the build.
  3. Select Claim full responsibility if you want to fix the build yourself.

People who are responsible for the broken build are displayed on the build result summary.

Broken builds that are assigned to you are displayed on your My Bamboo page, available from the top navigation bar.

Build responsibility section

Last modified on Jul 18, 2021

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