Using macros helps you to expand the capabilities of your Confluence pages, allowing you to add extra functionality or include dynamic content. For example, use the Attachments macro to list files attached to a page, or use the Widget Connector macro to include things like a YouTube video or Twitter feed.
Add a Macro to your Page
Including Macros with the Macro Browser
To add a macro to a page:
- From the editor toolbar, choose Insert > Other Macros
- Find and select the required macro
Speed it up with autocomplete: Type { and the beginning of the macro name, to see a list of suggested macros. In this example we're inserting the cheese macro.
To edit an existing macro: Click the macro placeholder and choose Edit. This will open the macro details, so you can edit the macro parameters.
Macro Parameters
Many macros have optional parameters you can use to control the macro's output.
With the Attachments Macro, for instance, you have two optional parameters allowing you to:
- Specify the file formats of the attachments displayed
- Choose whether or not you want old versions of the attachments displayed
Macro Placeholders
Macro placeholders are displayed in the editor where you have added a macro to the page.
When editing a page, you can:
- Double-click a macro placeholder (or click the placeholder and choose Edit) to open the macro dialog window and edit the macro's parameters
- Select a macro placeholder to cut, copy and paste the macro
Confluence macros
Below is a list of the macros currently bundled with Confluence. Click a macro name for details of the usage, including optional parameters and examples.
- Anchor Macro
- Attachments Macro
- Blog Posts Macro
- Change History Macro
- Chart Macro
- Cheese Macro
- Children Display Macro
- Code Block Macro
- Column Macro
- Content by Label Macro
- Content by User Macro
- Content Report Table Macro
- Contributors Macro
- Contributors Summary Macro
- Create from Template Macro
- Create Space Button Macro
- Excerpt Include Macro
- Excerpt Macro
- Expand Macro
- Favorite Pages Macro
- Gallery Macro
- Global Reports Macro
- HTML Include Macro
- HTML Macro
- IM Presence Macro
- Include Page Macro
- Info, Tip, Note, and Warning Macros
- Jira Chart Macro
- Jira Issues Macro
- Labels List Macro
- Livesearch Macro
- Loremipsum Macro
- Multimedia Macro
- Navigation Map Macro
- Network Macro
- Noformat Macro
- Office Excel Macro
- Office PowerPoint Macro
- Office Word Macro
- Page Index Macro
- Page Properties Macro
- Page Properties Report Macro
- Page Tree Macro
- Page Tree Search Macro
- Panel Macro
- PDF Macro
- Popular Labels Macro
- Profile Picture Macro
- Recently Updated Dashboard Macro
- Recently Updated Macro
- Recently Used Labels Macro
- Related Labels Macro
- Roadmap Planner Macro
- RSS Feed Macro
- Search Results Macro
- Section Macro
- Space Attachments Macro
- Space Details Macro
- Spaces List Macro
- Status Macro
- Table of Contents Macro
- Table of Content Zone Macro
- Task Report Macro
- User List Macro
- User Profile Macro
- View File Macro
- Widget Connector Macro
Creating your own macros
Users with System Administrator permissions can create user macros - see Writing User Macros.
If you want to create something more complex, you can develop your own plugin - see Writing Confluence Plugins.
Getting more macros from The Marketplace
You can find a wide range of Atlassian and third party macros at The Marketplace. These are distributed as apps and can be installed by a Confluence Administrator.
Macro usage statistics
Confluence administrators can check how often each macro is used in your site.
To see how often a macro is used, go to > Macro Usage. > General ConfigurationThis lists how often each macro is used in current spaces but doesn't include any macros used on pages in archived spaces or macros provided by disabled apps.
Do more with Confluence
Extend Confluence with one of the hundreds of other macros in the Atlassian Marketplace, such as:
- Composition Tabs & Page Layouts: Toggle or expand the visible of portions of your pages with the Toggle and Cloak macro
- Content Formatting for Confluence: Over 30 easy-to-use Confluence macros gives you the ability to create better, more engaging content