Watch Pages, Spaces and Blogs

You can 'watch' a Confluence page, blog post or space. Confluence will then send you a notification email whenever anyone updates your watched content.

You'll receive email notifications for:

  • Page / blog post edits (unless the author clears the 'Notify watchers' check box).
  • Deletions.
  • Attachments, including new versions or deletions of an existing attachment.
  • Comments, including new comments or deletions of existing comments.

By default, Confluence will assign you as a watcher of any page or blog post that you create or edit. This behavior is called 'autowatch'. 

There's no daily digest for email notifications. You'll receive immediate emails for important notifications (like mentions and new pages), but when lots of changes are being made at the same time, you'll only receive a single email with all the changes (within a 10 minute window).

You will not receive email notifications for content changes due to the output of a macro, because the page content itself hasn't been edited. We also don't send a notification when a comment is edited. 

You need 'View' permission for the page, blog post or space to receive notifications.

Watching a page or blog post

To start watching a page or blog post:

  1. Go to the page or blog post.
  2. Choose Watch and select the relevant check box.

To stop watching the page or post, deselect the relevant check box.

Watching an entire space

You can choose to watch all the pages and blog posts in a particular space.

The quickest way is to use the Watch option on a page or blog post, as described above.

To stop watching the space, deselect the relevant check box.

Alternatively, choose Pages in the space sidebar, then choose Watch this space at the top right.

Watch for new blog posts in a space

You can choose to receive a notification whenever someone adds a blog post in the space. You will not receive notification when a blog post is updated, deleted or commented on.

To watch for new posts:

  1. Go to a blog post in the space.
  2. Choose Watch and select Watch for new blog posts in this space.

To stop watching for new blog posts, deselect the relevant check box. Alternatively, choose  Blog  in the space sidebar, then choose  Watch this blog  at the top right.

Watch all spaces on the site

You can receive notifications about changes to the content of pages, blog posts and comments from all spaces on a Confluence site.

To start watching for content changes across the whole site:

  1. Choose your profile picture at top right of the screen, then choose Settings
  2. Choose Email.
  3. Choose Edit then choose Subscribe to daily updates.
  4. Choose Submit.

Watching for all new blog posts on the site

You can choose to watch for all new blog posts in all spaces on the Confluence site. You will not receive notification of updates to or deletions of blog posts, nor of comments on the blog posts.

To start watching for all new blog posts:

  1. Choose your profile picture at top right of the screen, then choose Settings
  2. Choose Email.
  3. Choose Edit then choose Subscribe to all blog posts.
  4. Choose Submit.

Manage watches from your user profile

The 'Watches' page in your user profile displays a list of all pages and spaces you are currently watching.

To manage your watches:

  1. Choose your profile picture at top right of the screen, then choose Watches.
  2. Choose Stop Watching for any unwanted spaces or pages.

Manage watches from the email message

The email notifications that you receive from Confluence have some useful links at the bottom of the email message. The links in each message vary, depending on the context. In general, the links allow you to view the page online, reply to a comment, and so on.

In particular with respect to setting your notification preferences, you will see one or more of the following links:

  • Stop watching page – Click this link to stop watching the page that triggered the email notification.
  • Stop watching space – Click this link to stop watching the space that triggered the email notification.
  • Stop following this user – Click this link to stop following the user whose update triggered the email notification.
  • Manage Notifications – Click this link to go to the email settings page in your user profile.

Screenshot: Example email notification footer showing links

Autowatch and other notification options

By default, Confluence will assign you as a watcher of any page or blog post that you create or edit. This behavior is called 'autowatch'. You can turn autowatch on or off, and set other notification options, in the email settings section of your user profile. See Edit Your User Settings.

Last modified on Oct 13, 2023

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