Team Calendars Quick Tour

Team Calendars allows you to create calendars for yourself and your team, and view other calendars from your organization, all in one place. This page provides you a few essential steps to get started.

Open Team Calendars

There are two places you can view and work with Team Calendars – in a Confluence space, or on your 'My Calendars' page. The My Calendars page presents a roll-up of all of the Team Calendars you're currently subscribed to.

  • If you're looking for your team's calendar, or you'd like to create a calendar for your team, go to your team's Confluence space and choose Calendars in the sidebar.
  • If you'd like to create a calendar for yourself, or subscribe to your Google Calendar, choose Calendars in the Confluence header to open your 'My Calendars' page.

The My Calendars page

Calendars in a space sidebar

Create and add Calendars

To get started, you'll need to create a calendar or add an existing one. Select Add Calendar to quickly create a new calendar, or select 

More options
 next to Add Calendar to add an existing calendar in the following ways:

See Create, Add, and Edit Calendars to learn more.

Add events to a calendar

To add an event to the calendar, you can do any of the following:

  • Choose Add Event
  • Click a date on the calendar in either the month or week view (or click and drag to choose a date range)
  • Double-click on the Timeline view

You'll be prompted to enter a title, time and other details. Once you've added the details, choose OK to add the event to the calendar. If there are multiple calendars on your My Calendars page, you'll need to select the calendar you're adding the event to.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

You can also click and drag on the calendar to select a range of days in the month and week views. Learn more by reading  Add Events .

Choose your view

You can view your events in four different ways: month, week, list, and timeline. Team Calendars remembers your last selected view, so you don't need to choose it again next time you come back.

Embed calendars on Confluence pages

You can embed a calendar on any page in Confluence, ensuring you and your teams are always up-to-date. Take a look at Embed Calendars on Confluence Pages for more information.

Team Calendars for Confluence is now part of Confluence Data Center
To get access to the features described on this page upgrade to Confluence Data Center 7.11 or later. Can’t upgrade yet? Depending on your current Data Center version, you can access these features by installing the latest version of the app (
at no cost). See our FAQ for all the details

Last modified on Dec 7, 2023

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