2.1.4 Reduce Admin Overhead And Improve Work Environment Integration

Atlassian is committed to making work within its applications as productive as possible. Two features stand out particularly: An extensive keyboard shortcut system as well as the free Jira Add-ons for the most common Integrated Development Environments.

Keyboard shortcuts enable most common issue operations to be performed without the use of the mouse which enables users to not lose time through switching between the two input devices.

The IDE integration enable users to have an embedded interaction with Jira and Bamboo within their development environment. This again reduces overhead click to switch between applications - saving engineers time each day.

Steps to demonstrate

Creating and assigning an issue

  1. Open your Jira instance
  2. Press ""?"" to demonstrate the many available keyboard shortcuts
  3. Press ""c"" to create an issue. Fill out all the fields and use the tab key to jump from field to field. Press ""Enter"" to finish the creation process.
  4. Press “.” for next action
  5. Enter ""s"" and select ""Start Progress""
  6. Press “m” to comment the issue. Type that you need a colleague to perform an action. Press ""Enter""
  7. Press ""."" again
  8. Press ""a"" and select ""assign to""
  9. Start typing the name of the respective user you want to assign the ticket to
  10. Press ""Enter"" to assign the ticket

Searching and navigating results

  1. Hit ""/"". The cursor is now focused on the quick search box. Enter a search string that will bring results in your demonstration system and hit ""Enter"".
  2. Press ""j"" and ""k"" to demonstrate navigation in the result list.
  3. Press ""Enter"" to open a issue.
  4. This might not be the right result so enter ""u"" to get back to the navigator.
  5. Press ""Enter"" when highlighting another issue
  6. Press ""j"" a couple of times and then ""k"" to demonstrate jumping to the next ticket in the view directly without going back to the navigator

IDE integration

  1. Download the Add-on for your respective IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ or Visual Studio)
  2. Setup the IDE Add-on in the development environment for user ""Developer""
  3. Go to Jira as the ""Scrum Master"" user
  4. Create an issue and assign it to the ""Developer"" user.
  5. As the ""Developer"", open the respective IDE and open the Jira section.
  6. In ""My Issues"", select the issue that was assigned to you
  7. Activate the task
  8. Do some work in the source code
  9. Close the ticket
  10. Fore more demonstration ideas, please see this video

Demonstration requirements

For the IDE scenario, you need to have a ""Project Management"" user and a ""Developer"" user and some code to demonstrate work on.

Demonstration on Jira.Atlassian.com

At Jira.Atlassian.com, you will also be able to demonstrate the keyboard features. But we shall limit ourselves to navigation and viewing functionality rather than creating and commenting tickets.

  1. Open Jira.Atlassian.com and press ""?"". The help menu with all the keyboard shortcuts pops up.
  2. Press ""ESC"" again and then hit ""/"". The cursor is now focused on the quick search box. Enter ""permissions"" and press ""Enter""
  3. You are now taken to the Issue Navigator and are presented a number of search results for ""permissions.""
  4. Press ""j"" and ""k"" to demonstrate navigation in the result list.
  5. Press ""Enter"" to open a issue.
  6. This might not be the right result so enter ""u"" to get back to the navigator.
  7. Press ""Enter"" when highlighting another issue
  8. Press ""j"" a couple of times and then ""k"" to demonstrate jumping to the next ticket in the view directly without going back to the navigator

IDE Integration:
You can surely install an IDE Add-on and connect to Jira.Atlassian.com but since we would not want to do any write actions, it would be best to limit onself only to viewing and searching issues.

Further documentation

Last modified on Nov 17, 2023

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