Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

15 October 2012

This release delivers the following enhancements:

Auto refresh

To make sure you are always seeing the latest data, GreenHopper now refreshes the board periodically if the browser window does not currently have focus.

It sends a poll request to the server every 30 seconds with a checksum and if this has changed, the server sends back the new board data.

If GreenHopper detects an out-of-date board while you have focus on the window, it will show a message asking you to refresh:

We would love your feedback on this new feature (note that it has currently been implemented for Work mode only). Please comment on GHS-5568 - Getting issue details... STATUS .



Customise your Issue Detail View

By popular request, you can now choose which fields to show in the Issue Detail View. At this time you can choose any custom fields of type "Text" — more to follow very soon in future releases.

See Configuring the Issue Detail View for further details.


What type of board is that?

You now have an instant visual indicator of what type of board you are looking at, thanks to the following icons:

Scrum board

Kanban board


We have added these icons to the Agile drop-down menu:

The icons are also shown at the top left of each board:


Easier management of Remaining Estimate

For boards that are configured to use Time Tracking there are two improvements to make the management of the Remaining Estimate on issues and sub-tasks easier.

In Plan mode, the sprint footer will now display the sum of the Remaining Estimate of all of the issues and sub-tasks in the future sprint. Note that the the value will not be shown if:

  • the board is configured to use the Original Time Estimate as the Estimation Statistic (see Configuring Estimation and Tracking), and
  • the board is configured to use a Tracking Statistic (see Configuring Estimation and Tracking), and
  • the sum of the Original Estimates on the issues is different from the sum of the Remaining Estimates on the issues and sub-tasks.

In Work mode, the value shown on the bottom right of the card is now the Remaining Estimate for the issue or sub-task:


Sample data included

To help newcomers get started quickly, we've included sample data with GreenHopper.

  • Scrum and Kanban projects.
  • Projects pre-populated with issues showing how to use a board.
  • Sample reports included.


Parallel sprints

You can now have multiple active, parallel sprints. For example, if you have two teams working fom the same backlog, each team can now work on their own sprint.

Please note the following caveats with this simple approach:

  • The Velocity Chart will not show the velocity per team.
  • The current implementation assumes that the teams perform estimation identically, which is unlikely in practice.

This feature is currently in Labs – please enable "Parallel sprints" to activate it. Please note that this feature is still undergoing development and may change from its current implementation.


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