Editing multiple issues at the same time
At some point, you may need to change multiple issues at the same time. You can do this by performing a bulk operation.
There are restrictions placed on some of the bulk operations. For example, if you select multiple issues with different workflows, you can only transition them in groups with the same workflow, and one group at a time. The restrictions are explained further in the relevant sections.
Before you begin
Required permissions - To perform a bulk operation, you'll need the appropriate project-specific permission and the global Bulk Change permission. For example, you would need to have both the Move Issue and Bulk Change permissions to perform the Bulk Move operation.
Disable notifications for bulk operations - You can disable mail notifications for a particular bulk operation by deselecting the Send Notification checkbox in the bulk operation wizard. For this option to be available, you must be an administrator or project administrator of all the projects associated with your selected issues.
Disable customer notifications - Some bulk operations, such as Change comment, might trigger email notifications to your customers. To prevent a flurry of emails, a JIRA admin can temporarily disable outgoing mail in
> System > Mail > Outgoing mail. This setting controls both JIRA and customer notifications, so remember to turn it back on when you're done with your bulk edit.Using the bulk change wizard - The bulk change wizard will progress you through your bulk change. To step back at any step of the operation, select the relevant step in the menu on the left-hand side. Selecting Cancel will cancel the entire process.
Transition multiple issues
This bulk operation allows you to transition multiple issues through a workflow at the same time. You can only perform one transition bulk operation at a time. You will also need to provide any values required to complete the transition. For example, to close multiple issues, you will need to provide a value for the Resolution field, such as Done, Fixed, or Won't Fix.
Delete multiple issues
This bulk operation allows you to delete multiple issues at the same time.
Move multiple issues
This bulk operation allows you to move multiple issues at the same time. The issues you're moving need to be mapped to both a project and an issue type, and in doing this, you may need to also map the status and fields of the issues. Subtasks need to be mapped, too.
Edit multiple issues
This bulk operation allows you to edit multiple issues at the same time. The bulk edit operations available depend on the issues selected and the nature of the field/s you want to change.
Watch / stop watching multiple issues
These bulk operations allows you to start watching or stop watching multiple issues at the same time.