Using JIRA applications with HipChat

Integrating JIRA applications and HipChat gives you and your team the following collaboration power:

    • Get notifications in your HipChat rooms when a customer updates a service desk request, or a developer comments on an issue.
    • Create a dedicated HipChat room from the issue you're working on and want to discuss with your team.
    • Preview issues and service desk requests directly in HipChat when someone on your team mentions them.

Connecting projects to rooms

You can link JIRA projects with one or more HipChat rooms so that when issues are updated or created, messages are sent to the HipChat rooms that you specify. 

  1. You must be a logged in as an Administrator or a Project Administrator.
  2. Choose  > Projects
  3. Select a project.
  4. In the Project settings menu, select HipChat Integration.
  5. Choose a HipChat room and select Add.
  6. Select the Issue Type, Priority, or select Advanced to enter a JIRA JQL Query.
  7. Select the actions that will send a notification to your room (issue created, assignee changed, new comments, and issue transitions).
  8. Select to notify users (using HipChat notifications) when a message is sent to the room.
  9. Changes are saved automatically, continue browsing your project to continue.

Notify Users in This Room uses HipChat notifications (playing a sound, popups, and bouncing dock icon) to alert users of new messages sent from JIRA. This functionality is only available in the web and IOS clients.

Private rooms

Private rooms in HipChat are by invitation only. In order to in connect JIRA to a private room in HipChat you will need to authoriize HipChat from the HipChat Integration setup screen.

Once you have authorized JIRA, all of the private rooms that you are a member of will be displayed in the room selector drop-down menu. When your JIRA project and room are integrated, everyone in the private room will be able to see the notifications that are sent to that room. 

Invite users

If you have administrator permissions, you can invite users to join HipChat directly from the Integration screen. Follow the instructions in Linking JIRA and your HipChat site above, to access the integration screen. You must have at least one project integrated with a room to see the invite users link. Select the link to send an email inviting users to HipChat. To invite users, you will need to confirm access to your HipChat account to give JIRA permission to invite users.

You can remove this access by following the instructions in Removing OAuth Permissions.

Discuss issues in rooms

You can focus your discussion by creating or selecting a HipChat room to discuss an issue. When JIRA is integrated with HipChat and you are in the issue screen, you can select to "Create a room" or "Choose a room" in the HipChat discussions panel. This will associate the current issue and the room and any changes to the issue will send a notification to that room.



You can also select to have links open in your HipChat App (OSX only) when you select a link. In the issues screen, select the cog icon in the HipChat discussion to enable opening links in the application.

Setting up JIRA notifications in HipChat

Project administrators can set up notifications to a HipChat room whenever work is progressed in their project. 

  1. Sign in to JIRA as a project administrator.
  2. Choose > Projects, and select the relevant project.
  3. Select HipChat integration.
  4. Create a link between your project and a HipChat room:
    • Select a HipChat room from the list
    • Click Add
  5. Alternatively, click Edit to change an existing link.
  6. Configure the notification settings you'd like to use.

    1. Integration: Create a link between your project and a HipChat room.

    2. Messages: Select messages to send to the room.

Setting up JIRA issues in the HipChat sidebar

If you have administrator rights in HipChat, you can also have issues displaying in your HipChat room's sidebar. 

  1. Sign in to HipChat. You'll need to be an administrator of the rooms you want to configure.

  2. Select Integrations from the top menu.

  3. From the drop-down, select the room you'd like to configure.

  4. Select Installed to see the integrations that have been installed for this room.

    1. Installed: Click here to see the integrations installed for this room.
  5. Select the JIRA integration.

  6. Select Enable your glance. The glance settings will appear.

  7. Give your glance a name and set up a basic or JQL filter. The glance name should represent the filter's purpose.

    1. Name: This will display in the HipChat room's sidebar above your issues.
    2. Issue filter: The issues you want to display in the sidebar.


  8. Click Save. Open your room in HipChat and click the glance to see these issues in your sidebar.


Issue preview

With issue preview enabled, if you enter an issue key as part of a message, or paste a URL for the issue in any room in HipChat, you can receive a preview of the issue. This way, the entire room can see and be on the same page when discussing an issue, without ever having to leave the discussion.

If this feature is enabled for a project, a preview will be posted in HipChat for any issue key/URL for that project. If a project contains sensitive information you don't want shared in HipChat, make sure to disable this feature for that project.

Connectivity requirements for JIRA and/or HipChat Server customers

For this feature to work, HipChat needs to be able to talk to JIRA, which means that your JIRA instance must be addressable and accept inbound connections via HTTPS. 

A note on JIRA permissions

If this feature is enabled for a project, a preview will be posted in HipChat for any issue key/URL for that project. If a project contains sensitive information you don't want shared in HipChat, make sure to disable this feature for this project. 

Configuring issue previews

If you are logged in as a JIRA Administrator, you can enable or disable issue preview for all projects. A Project Admin can also override issue preview by individually enabling or disabling this setting for each project.

As a JIRA Administrator

  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
  2. Choose  > Applications > HipChat.
  3. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. Select the checkbox to enable or disable the Issue Preview globally. 
  5. Select Save to exit.

As a Project Administrator

  1. You must be a logged in as a Project Administrator.
  2. Choose  Projects.
  3. Select a project.
  4. In the Project settings menu, select HipChat Integration.
  5. Select Advanced Settings.
  6. Select the checkbox to enable or disable Issue Preview for your current room.
  7. Select Save to exit.

Remove OAuth Permissions

You can remove permissions that you have granted to allow JIRA to access HipChat. For instance, if you have given JIRA permission to invite users on HipChat's behalf. 

  1. Select your avatar to access your profile.
  2. Click Profile
  3. Select Tools.
  4. Click HipChat OAuth Sessions.
  5. Select Remove Access.
Last modified on Jul 10, 2018

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