Importing existing issues to the backlog
This page refers to Portfolio classic plans. If you are currently running Portfolio 2.0, please check this link to access the latest page version.
An import is possible both with and without using Jira applications. If you're using a Jira application and working with epics and stories, they can be imported without manually establishing the assignment between epics and stories. In other cases, you can choose whether to import an item as an epic or a story, and in the case of stories, pick the parent epic manually.
Select your plan and go to Backlog > Epics and click
.Use the filters and search to find the items you want to import and click Import selected items.
If you're working with Jira and use the predefined issue types epic and story, then upon import, these will be pre-selected automatically, and you can directly confirm the import. The parent epic is automatically suggested, in any of these two cases:- The parent epic is part of the search result and you have selected it to be imported together with the story.
- The parent epic has already been previously imported and is thus linked to an existing item in your backlog.
Use the advanced import options to filter the issues related information.
With the import, epics and stories are created in your plan's backlog and the items are directly linked to the Jira issues. See Issue links and synchronization for details on how to work with these issue links.
How to import existing estimates
If you import existing issues and they have an original estimate set, this value is kept by default as a total estimate. However, in many cases existing estimates might not have been intended to cover the full work including design/story writing etc. For these cases, you can choose in the advanced options, to keep the original estimate for a particular stage or skill only. See the section Estimating and managing time budgets for details on how to enter and work with estimates.
Select your plan and go to Backlog > Epics and click
.you can choose in the advanced options, to keep the original estimate for a particular stage or skill only. See the section Estimating and managing time budgets for details on how to enter and work with estimates.
Once you've selected the estimates, click Import selected items.
How to set releases on issue import
When importing issues you can select which release to assign to the issues in the 'Release' column. This can be a release that you have created in your plan or releases that you have imported from your Jira project(s). If you import issues with existing version information from your project and you would like that information to be reflected in your plan releases, you should link the versions to your plan before importing issues so that the version and release links are available in the 'Release' column. See Configuring releases for more information on linking project versions to plan releases.