Working with Portfolio plans

Your Portfolio plan has three (3) views, which let you focus on specific aspects of your plan. These views make it easier for you to monitor the current progress of multiple projects, and ultimately stop potential bottlenecks from happening, by spotting these bottlenecks before they even happen.

Roadmap view

The roadmap view of your plan is where you plan and schedule issues across the projects you're managing, so your teams can know when to work on them accordingly.

The roadmap view has three (3) sections:

  • Scope, which displays the issues in the plan according to hierarchy levels. Expand a hierarchy level to see the issues of that level — and for each issue, the issue count (for each row), issue type icon, issue key, and issue summary are displayed. You can also create an issue in this section.
  • Fields, which displays the fields added to a plan as columns. Each column contains the corresponding issue details, as well as the corresponding issue actions.
  • Timeline, which displays issues in blocks, and the size of each issue block corresponds to its target start and end dates. You can schedule these issue blocks by dragging and dropping the blocks themselves. You can also adjust the target start and end dates by dragging the corresponding end of the block accordingly.

Teams view

The teams view helps you make sure that your teams do have the capacity to handle the issues that you're scheduling for them to work on.

In the teams view, you can do the following:

  • Create teams and add members to teams
  • Set the working hours for the team members
  • Choose the scheduling method for the teams
  • Assign tasks to teams accordingly

You can choose to create a team for a specific plan, or to share that team across multiple plans.

See Managing teams to know more.

Releases view

Portfolio for Jira dynamically loads issues from Jira into your plan, and then suggests the releases you can work with for the issues in your plan.

We're still iterating on how releases are managed in the new planning experience. This is why the dynamic release dates that have been optimized are not visible in the releases view just yet.

In the releases view, you can do the following:

  • configure and manage these releases
  • keep track of the progress of these releases
  • determine if these releases will be completed on time, as planned

You can choose to create project-specific releases, which are associated to one particular project, or cross-project releases, which give you a higher level view of your work since you can associate multiple projects with a cross-project release.

See Managing releases to know more.

Last modified on Nov 29, 2018

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