Ranking issues

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You can rank an issue by dragging and dropping it to a higher or lower row in the scope section. This will move the position of the issue in both the scope and timeline sections. If needed, you can also update the rank of multiple issues.

For instance, in the sample plan below, the issue PM-5 is being moved from row #6 to row #5.

Ranking issues in the improved interface

How issues are ranked in a plan

Note the following details when ranking issues in the improved interface:

Ranking is applied per hierarchy level in a plan

Issue ranking is applied on each hierarchy level that's configured in the plan.

For example, if you want to rank an epic relative to the ranking of another epic, make sure to set the plan to display issues of the epic hierarchy level. This also means that the ranking you'll see in a Portfolio plan will be the same as the ranking in the epics panel of Jira.

Consistent ranking of epics across a Portfolio plan and a Jira backlog

In the example above, note the following:

  • The Portfolio plan on the left is displaying only the issues of the epic hierarchy level. The plan is also filtered to display only the issues of the IOS project.
  • The IOS app backlog on the right is displaying the epics panel.
  • The epic issues have the same ranking across both the Portfolio plan and Jira backlog.

If you rerank IOS-22 and move it above IOS-21, this will also move the epic in Jira once the change is saved to Jira. The same applies even if IOS-22 has child issues of its own, as well as if the other epics have child issues of their own.

Epics consistently reranked across Portfolio and Jira

The ranking of child issues is independent of the ranking of their parent issues

If you rank a parent epic higher, the ranking of its child issues in Jira will stay as is. This is helpful especially if your teams have already ranked the issues in their Jira boards. The child issues will retain their ranking, even if you've ranked higher-level issues differently in the Portfolio plan.

Moving a parent issue will move its child issues with it

If you move a parent issue to a new row in the scope section, the child issues will also move with the parent issue to the new row. However, this does not have any impact on the individual ranking of the child issues within the parent issue.

Note the following details as well:

  • If you move an individual child issue within the parent issue, this will only move that specific child issue.
  • When auto-scheduling a plan, how you rank parent issues will not have any effect on the ranking order of the corresponding child issues.

Ranking behavior changes across plan types may produce different scheduling results

The change in ranking behavior can produce different scheduling results between live plans (any version from 2.0 to 2.27) and plans with the improved interface (version 3.0 and later). For example, even if issues are placed in the same order across both types of plans, the resulting scheduling results between these types of plans will be different.

Last modified on Oct 30, 2019

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