Linking a Confluence page to an epic

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If you have linked your Jira Software instance to a Confluence instance, you can create and link Confluence pages to your epics. For example, you may want to link your epic to a specification or design document in Confluence.

On this page:

Screenshot: linked pages for an epic (Scrum board)

Creating a new linked Confluence page for an epic

Note, these instructions only apply to Scrum boards.

  1. Log in to Jira.
  2. Navigate to your desired board.

  3. Click Backlog and click EPICS (aligned vertically, left side of the board) to show the 'EPICS' panel.
  4. Click Linked pages at the bottom of the epic details in the Epics panel.

Note, you cannot create a new linked Confluence page when viewing an epic in Jira Software, although you can link an existing Confluence page (see instructions below).

Linking an existing Confluence page to an epic

... in Backlog (Scrum boards only) :

  1. Log in to Jira.
  2. Navigate to your desired board.

  3. Click Backlog and click EPICS (aligned vertically, left side of the board) to show the 'EPICS' panel.
  4. Click Linked pages at the bottom of the epic details in the Epics panel.
  5. Click Link page, search for the page you want, and select it.

... when viewing the epic in Jira Software   (Scrum and Kanban boards) :

  1. View the issue or story in Jira. Note, you need to view the issue in its own browser tab, i.e. not in the issue detail view on the board.
  2. Click More > Link. This displays the Link dialog.
  3. Click the Confluence Page tab in the dialog, and enter the details for the page you want to link to.

Next steps

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Last modified on Jan 21, 2025

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