Viewing objects in the object view

The object view lets you see all object details, including comments, attachments, and the history of changes. You can also view and modify object attributes, see all issues connected to an object, or view its references. All in a nice and friendly way.

Accessing the object view

You can access the object view in many ways, the easiest one being just selecting the object key (displayed as breadcrumbs when viewing the object):

  • Select Assets > Recent objects, and select any object.
  • Select any object in the schema and select its object key (displayed in breadcrumbs above the project name)
  • Search for objects and select the object key.

Customize the object view

If you have the permission to edit the object schema, you can customize the object view to only display the information you need. For more info, see Customizing the object view layout 

What you can do in the object view

Here are the actions that you can perform on objects in the default object view:

1View object details

The top section of the object view tells you about the object and where it first in your object schema. Here you can also view the object type, watchers, and the created or updated dates.

2View attributes

The Attributes tab contains information about all of the object's attributes. Select on attributes that are references to other objects to view those objects in more detail.

3View connected issues

The Connected tickets tab shows issues connected to the object. You can view all connected tickets, use the Unresolved toggle to limit them to unresolved tickets, or filter the tickets using any of your existing Jira filters. You can also filter the tickets by summary or description.

4View comments and attachments

The Comments tab lets you view and add comments for the object. You can filter them by author, description, or summary. You can add comments by selecting Comment.

5View attachmentsYou can see attachments added to the object in the attachments widget on the right.

6View history of changes

The History tab shows a time-ordered list of changes made to this object.

7View references in a graph

After selecting Graph at the top-right, you can view references between this and other object within the object schema.

8View inbound references

In the Inbound references widget, you can see all objects that have some references to this object.

9Edit, move, or delete objects

If you are an Assets Schema manager or Assets Schema administrator, you can edit an object using the Edit button. You can also move an object to a different object type, or delete it entirely.

10Print labels or QR codes

If you are an Assets Schema manager or Assets Schema administrator, you can also print a label or a QR code for this object.

Last modified on Sep 12, 2022

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