Activity Stream Gadget

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The activity stream gadget is similar to the recently updated macro and shows a list of the most recently changed content within your Confluence site.

In addition to showing a list of most recently changed content, the activity stream gadget also groups activities by separate date, and provides an RSS feed link to its content in the top-right corner. 

Activity Stream Gadget Properties

Properties are settings for Confluence gadgets that allow the user to control the content or presentation of data retrieved by the gadget. These are similar to a Confluence macro's parameters. The table below lists relevant properties for this gadget.

These properties are located in the preview panel in the macro browser. 








Adds a title to the top of the Activity Stream.

Global filtersNoNone

Allows you to add filters to the gadget including:

  • space
  • username
  • update date
  • Jira issue key (if your Confluence instance is integrated with a Jira application)

Available streamsYesAll

If you have application links to other sites, Jira or another Confluence site, you can choose to include activity from those streams also.

Display options: limit



Specify the maximum number of results to be displayed. A maximum of 10 results will be displayed by default. The maximum value that this property can accept is 100.

Display options: Refresh Interval



Specify the time interval between each 'refresh' action undertaken by the activity stream gadget. A refresh makes the activity stream gadget reflect any new activity that has been conducted on the Confluence site.

Last modified on Mar 14, 2019

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